
unusual facts about collective bargaining agreement

Dale Tallon

The 2004–05 NHL season was lost to a labor dispute, and the new collective bargaining agreement between the owners and players was signed in July 2005.

Dan Backs

In 2006, while still a Liberal, Backs sponsored the Labour Relations Code (First Collective Agreement) Amendment Act, a private member's bill designed to provide a first collective bargaining agreement after the certification of a union, to prevent the sort of labour conflict that had recently occurred between Lakeside Packers and the United Food and Commercial Workers.

Payroll Room

The "Payroll Room" is a term that originated in 2005 with the National Hockey League's new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) which was negotiated following a season-long lockout.

see also

Vincent Lecavalier

Though the Maple Leafs denied the report, NHL Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly promptly sent out a memo to all 30 league teams, warning them to avoid transactions deemed a circumvention of the collective bargaining agreement.

William W. Winpisinger

He negotiated the union's first collective bargaining agreement with Continental Airlines in 1961, and was appointed Automotive Coordinator in 1965, overseeing the contracts of more than 100,000 auto mechanics.