NFL Scouting Combine | Zangezur Copper and Molybdenum Combine | The "Harvesters vase" from Hagia triada | NFL scouting combine | Combine harvester | combine harvester | Combine (enterprise) | Combine |
The company was taken over in 1930 by the Vereinigung Westdeutscher Waggonfabriken (Westwaggon) and the majority of shares sold in 1940 to the Dillinger Hütte that, due to its location in the Saargebiet, sold its share of Fuchs in 1957 to the International Harvester Company, who switched its production to combine harvesters.
SAME Deutz-Fahr (SDF), an Italian-based manufacturer of tractors, combine harvesters, other agricultural machines, engines and equipment
The John Deere company, which manufactures agricultural equipment, has a factory in Zweibrücken, from which freight trains were loaded with combine harvesters before the traffic converted to road transport.