
unusual facts about company law

John Crichton-Stuart, 3rd Marquess of Bute

The Marquess was involved in a notable company law case, known as "the Marquess of Bute's Case", reported on appeal in 1892, called Re Cardiff Savings Bank 1892 2 Ch 100.

see also


Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 - a piece of UK company law, which sets out the procedures for company directors to be disqualified in certain cases of misconduct.

Elmer Driedger

After returning from Germany to Depression-stricken Saskatchewan, he "eked out a living in Yorkton" and lectured in Company Law at the University of Saskatchewan.

Paul L. Davies

Outside academic work Davies was a member of the Company Law Review Steering Group, whose reports eventually led to the Companies Act 2006; he is the general editor of the Industrial Law Journal and is Deputy Chairman of the Central Arbitration Committee.