
unusual facts about concrete art

Thilo Maatsch

Thilo Friedrich Maatsch (born August 13, 1900 in Braunschweig, died March 20, 1983 in Königslutter) was a German artist and an exponent of abstract art, constructivism and concrete art.

see also

Alberto Magnelli

He became a major figure in the post war concrete art movement and influenced artists such as Victor Vasarely, Nicolas de Staël as well as the concrete artists in South America such as Hélio Oiticica.

Ferreira Gullar

We use the term "neo-concrete" to differentiate ourselves from those committed to non-figurative "geometric" art (neoplasticism, constructivism, suprematism, the school of Ulm) and particularly the kind of concrete art that is influenced by a dangerously acute rationalism.


In 1950, Linien II held Denmark's largest exhibition of Concrete art with wide international participation including works by Wassily Kandinsky, Fernand Léger, Jean Arp, Le Corbusier, Auguste Herbin, Alexander Calder, Victor Vasarely, Alberto Magnelli and Jean Dewasne.