Attorney General | attorney | United States Attorney General | Attorney General for England and Wales | United States Attorney | attorney general | Attorney at law | District Attorney | New York County District Attorney | district attorney | Attorney-General for Ireland | Los Angeles County District Attorney | New Jersey Attorney General | District attorney | United States Assistant Attorney General | Something Corporate | Ohio Attorney General | Arizona Attorney General | Ace Attorney | Michigan Attorney General | Massachusetts Attorney General | Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law | Florida Attorney General | Attorney General of Virginia | Attorney General of Maryland | Attorney at law (United States) | Illinois Attorney General | Commonwealth's Attorney | Attorney-General of Singapore | Order of Corporate Reunion |
Grosvenor P. Lowrey (September 25, 1831 - April 21, 1893) was a 19th-century corporate attorney who served as consul to numerous powerful interests like Thomas Edison, Western Union, Wells Fargo and The New York Metropolitan Railway Company.
In 2006, Isaac ran for reelection but lost to political newcomer and Lexington corporate attorney Jim Newberry.