
unusual facts about cross examination

Brian Smedley

In the trial, the former trade minister Alan Clark confessed to being ""economical with the actualité" under close cross examination by the defence counsel, Geoffrey Robertson, Gilbert Gray and James Hunt.

see also

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney

The Trial portion of the game is similar to that of previous Ace Attorney games and consists of listening to and cross-examining witness testimonies.

Confrontation Clause

The Confrontation Clause has its roots in both English common law, protecting the right of cross-examination, and Roman law, which guaranteed persons accused of a crime the right to look their accusers in the eye.

Gerry Patrick Hemming

As a result of obtaining depositions from David Atlee Phillips, Richard Helms, G. Gordon Liddy, Stansfield Turner, and Marita Lorenz, plus a skillful cross-examination by Lane of E. Howard Hunt, the jury decided in January, 1995, that Marchetti had not been guilty of libel when he suggested that John F. Kennedy had been assassinated by people working for the CIA.

J. B. Jeyaretnam

Prime Minister Goh alleged that, as a result of this, his "reputation, moral authority and leadership standing have been gravely injured both local and internationally", and during cross-examination by Jeyaretnam's counsel, George Carman QC, likened the statement to throwing a Molotov cocktail.

Party admission

Affidavit evidence consisting of out-of-court statements, is not subject to cross-examination. Affidavit evidence is thought to detract from the truth-finding mission of a trial.

Sir George Lewis, 1st Baronet

In criminal cases he drew public attention to himself by his cross-examination in the Bravo case in 1875, and from that time onward was connected with most criminal "causes célèbres," being conspicuous in the prosecution of fraudulent persons like Madame Rachel and Slade the medium.

The Art of Cross-Examination

The cross-examination of Ada and Phoebe Brush by George W. Whiteside - in their suit against two prominent Huntington, Long Island physicians, to recover damages for their ten-year incarceration in Kings Park State Hospital as insane patients.

The cross-examination by Henry W. Taft of Dr. Charles Dana, Dr. Frederick Peterson and Dr. Smith Ely Jelliffe, expert witnesses in the litigation over the will of Andrew F. Kennedy.

The Great Monkey Trial

Literary quotations are provided at the start of each chapter, for instance, that for "Single Combat", the chapter detailing the cross-examination of William Jennings Bryan by Clarence Darrow, for which de Camp chose a quotation from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass where Alice and the Queen talk about believing impossible things.

Thomas Miller Beach

He was subpoenaed by The Times, and in the witness-box the whole story came out, all the efforts of Sir Charles Russell in cross-examination failing to shake his testimony.