
2 unusual facts about declaration of war


Declaration of war, a formal declaration indicating that a state of war exists between nations

Declaration of war

The League of Nations, formed in 1919 in the wake of the First World War, and the General Treaty for the Renunciation of War of 1928 signed in Paris, France, demonstrated that world powers were seriously seeking a means to prevent the carnage of another world war.

History Line: 1914-1918

The game was designed to be educational, starting with an animation depicting the Western Front in 1916, and a sequence showing the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, whose assassination in Sarajevo precipitated the Austrian declaration of war against Serbia which triggered World War I.

Weather Underground

In response to the death of Black Panther members Fred Hampton and Mark Clark in December, 1969 during a police raid, on May 21, 1970 the Weather Underground issued a "Declaration of War" against the United States government, using for the first time its new name, the "Weather Underground Organization" (WUO), adopting fake identities, and pursuing covert activities only.

see also

Count Leopold Berchtold

However, Italian Foreign Minister Baron Sonnino succeeded in obtaining vague promises of compensations in South Tyrol from Germany and by the end of 1914, Count Berchtold informed the Crown Council that the choice was either acceptance of the Italian demands or a declaration of war.

Dellums v. Bush

1141 (1990), was a D.C. Federal District Court decision by United States District Judge Harold H. Greene, denying the plaintiffs, members of Congress, a preliminary injunction against President George H.W. Bush to stop implementation of his orders directing the United States military to fight in Iraq without first obtaining a declaration of war from Congress, the only branch Constitutionally mandated to declare war.

Edward Stack

Proceeding on leave of absence to France he was arrested at the declaration of war and confined to the fortress at Biche but advanced to Brigadier General whilst in captivity 1803, detected in 1804 executing secret service work for the British government, sentenced to be shot together with Duc d'Enghien, but reprieved at the last moment by the Emperor Napoleon.

Ernest Smythe

With the Japanese declaration of war against the British Empire during World War II, Smythe was drafted into the Indian Army as an emergency commission in February 1942, holding the rank of 2nd Lieutenant.

Future of the Royal Navy

At the beginning of the 1990s the Royal Navy was a force designed for the Cold War: with its three small aircraft carriers and a force of anti-submarine frigates and destroyers, its main purpose was to search for – and in the event of an actual declaration of war, to destroy – Soviet submarines in the North Atlantic.

Hagen Schulze

During the Historikerstreit of 1986-7, Schulze did not defend the views of Ernst Nolte that Nazi war crimes, including the Holocaust, constituted a reaction to a perceived "Jewish declaration of war" against Germany, compounded by Nazi fears of Soviet communism.

History of the Jews during World War II

Sebastian Haffner published the analysis in 1978 that Hitler from December 1941 accepted the failure of his goal to dominate Europe forever on his declaration of war against the United States, but that his withdrawal and apparent calm thereafter was sustained by the achievement of his second goal—the extermination of the Jews.

Hitler's War

In a footnote in Hitler's War, Irving first introduced the thesis later popularized in the 1980s by Ernst Nolte that a letter written by Chaim Weizmann to Neville Chamberlain on 3 September 1939, pledging the support of the Jewish Agency to the Allied war effort, constituted a "Jewish declaration of war" against Germany, thus justifying German "internment" of European Jews.

John Henry Bastide

In May 1744, before many of the English settlers in Nova Scotia had heard of the declaration of war, French forces from Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, attacked and captured Canso.

Louis Alexis Étienne Bonvin

A declaration of war, colonial governor, it is based in Pondicherry and gathered around him the people of the counters.

Military history of South Africa during World War II

The converted Junkers Ju 86s of 12 Squadron, South African Air Force, carried out the first bombing raid of the campaign on a concentration of tanks at Moyale at 8am on 11 June 1940, mere hours after Italy's declaration of war.

Moses McClean

McClean was elected as a Democrat to the Twenty-ninth Congress and supported the declaration of war against Mexico during the Mexican-American War.

Ninian Edwards

The declaration of war and the Battle of Fort Dearborn in 1812 convinced Edwards that Potawatomi and Kickapoo in the territory were preparing to launch a major attack on the southern settlements.

Odyssey 5

Whether this act of destruction is seen as a declaration of war by humanity's AIs or the Martian Synthetics are to blame for the Earth's destruction is never resolved.

Russian Far East

However, three hours before Japan's declaration of war was received by the Russian Government, the Imperial Japanese Navy attacked the Russian Far East Fleet at Port Arthur.

Sanquhar Declaration

This symbolic demonstration, essentially a declaration of war, was among the first of a series of events that led to the Glorious Revolution and the end of the reign of the House of Stuart.

William McKay

The news of the declaration of war he carried, along with orders from Major General Isaac Brock, the Commander in Upper Canada, allowed the British detachment to take the American detachment at Fort Mackinac by surprise.