
unusual facts about domicile


Angela Masson

Flying as Captain for over 20 years, she was the first female Chief Pilot for American Airlines (Miami domicile, 1997).


While Hortense initially spent time at her house in Augsburg, Arenenberg soon became her main domicile.

Bahamian general election, 2012

The Free National Movement had defeated the Progressive Liberal Party in the 2007 general election amid a scandal involving the residency status of model and reality television star Anna Nicole Smith and allegations that the PLP's then-immigration minister had fast-tracked her application to live in the islands.

Christian Heinrich, Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth-Kulmbach

As a compensation of these renunciation, the King Frederick I of Prussia secured the financial situation of Christian Heinrich and his family in Prussia and assigned to him as a new domicile the Schloss Weferlingen near Magdeburg.

Essential dignity

To earlier astrologers, such as Ptolemy and Vettius Valens, domicile rulership, exaltation, triplicity rulership and bounds rulership were all of equal strength in influence.

Infanta Ana de Jesus Maria of Portugal

He is considered by some to be the rightful pretender to the defunct Portuguese throne by virtue of his ancestors' uninterrupted domicile on Portuguese soil.

Joseph Christian Lillie

The house and garden are also important in the art of Edvard Munch and later became the domicile of the Munch collector and patron Dr. Max Linde (1804)

Musa Dagh Resistance

The denizens of that region had been given an official order from the Turkish government to perform violent expulsions of six Armenian villages: Kabusia (Kaboussieh), Yoghunoluk, Bitias, Vakef, Kheter Bey (Khodr Bey) and Haji Habibli.


It is an Association in terms of Article 60-79 of the Swiss Civil Code with domicile in Greifensee/ZH, Switzerland.


Verisign's former CFO Brian Robins announced in August 2010 that the company would move from its original domicile of Mountain View, California to Dulles in Northern Virginia by 2011 due to 95% of the company's business being on the East Coast.

see also