
unusual facts about door gunner

Tim Colceri

He is most known for his role in the 1987 Stanley Kubrick classic Full Metal Jacket, where he played the door gunner who uttered the much-quoted lines "Get some!" (adopted as the byline for the 2008 movie Tropic Thunder) and "Ain't war hell?"

see also

Glenn Andreotta

Serving as a crew chief aboard an OH-23 Raven observation helicopter, his pilot was Warrant Officer One Hugh Thompson, Jr. and his door-gunner was Specialist Four Lawrence Colburn, both of whom would also be acclaimed for their heroism at My Lai.

Lawrence Colburn

Serving as a door-gunner on an OH-23 Raven observation helicopter, his crew chief was Specialist Four Glenn Andreotta and his pilot was Warrant Officer One Hugh Thompson, Jr..