
unusual facts about dreadnought battleship

Pre-dreadnought battleship

Gardiner, Robert and Lambert, Andrew Steam, Steel and Shellfire: The Steam Warship, 1815–1905.

6 inch 35 caliber naval gun 1877

The 6 inch 35 caliber gun formed the standard secondary battery of Imperial Russian Navy pre-dreadnought battleships from mid-1880s to mid-1890s and was used on Ekaterina II and Imperator Aleksandr II-class battleships along with Gangut, Dvenadsat Apostolov and Navarin battleships.

Bernard Jauréguiberry

Two French ships have been named in the admiral's honour, the pre-dreadnought battleship Jauréguiberry, in service from 1897 to 1919, and the Fleet escort (T 53 class destroyer) Jauréguiberry, in service from 1958 to 1977.

Russian 12 inch 40 caliber naval gun

The 12 inch 40 caliber became the Navy's standard main gun and was employed on all its pre-dreadnought battleships starting with Sissoi Veliky of the Baltic Fleet and Tri Sviatitelia of the Black Sea Fleet.

SMS Blitz

In 1912, she was assigned as the tender for the new dreadnought battleships of the I Battle Squadron.

see also

Japanese ship Kashima

Japanese battleship Kashima, a Katori class pre-dreadnought battleship operated by the Imperial Japanese Navy from 1906 to 1924


French battleship République, a pre-dreadnought battleship of the French Navy built in 1902