
unusual facts about duct tape

Duct Tape Forever

The Lodge members try to brainstorm a way out of the mess, but once again Harold is the only one with a viable idea - 3M is running a duct tape sculpture contest in Minnesota, with a third prize of $10,000 (which the members feel they have a shot at).

Eleonora Aguiari

In 2004, for her final show at the Royal College of Art, she wrapped an equestrian statue of Lord Napier of Magdala, situated on Queen's Gate in West London, in bright red duct tape, giving the appearance of the statue being painted red.

Sharpe family murders

On 29 March 2004, Sharpe visited a local Bunnings Warehouse hardware store in Frankston where he purchased a roll of duct tape, two tarpaulins and an electric chainsaw.

see also


Duct tape occlusion therapy, a method for treating warts by keeping them covered with duct tape for an extended period

India at the 2010 Winter Olympics

Shiva Keshavan received 450,000 rupees from five Indian lawyers to purchase a new luge for competition after his previous luge - held together by duct tape and screws - broke during training in November.


For instance, Rick Jones was able to stop Moondragon's telepathy by taping her to a chair, covering her eyes and mouth with duct tape, and placing headphones on her ears which blasted deafening Limp Bizkit Nu metal music.