
unusual facts about edible oil


Sidel is a manufacturing company providing packaging for liquids such as water; carbonated and non-carbonated soft drinks; and sensitive beverages like milk, liquid dairy products, juices, nectars, tea, coffee and isotonics; as well as edible oil, beer and other alcoholic beverages.

see also

Moringa drouhardii

Neither the seeds (rich in edible oil and floculating proteins) nor the leaves (that can be eaten as green vegetables) are traditionally used in the Atsimo-Andrefana Region (southwestern Madagascar) despite their significant benefits.

Société Nationale d'Investissement

It has exited in 2012 and 2013 from the historic ONA Group agri-business activities, with sales of its stakes in leader companies in edible oil, milk and dairy, sugar and biscuits to international leaders such as Sofiprotéol, Danone, Wilmar International and Mondelēz International.