Schrödinger equation | Nernst equation | Monge–Ampère equation | Boltzmann equation | Diophantine equation | Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty | elliptic curve | Ordinary differential equation | ordinary differential equation | Young–Laplace equation | Wave equation | wave equation | Vlasov equation | Tait equation | Smoluchowski coagulation equation | Sauerbrey equation | Redlich–Kwong equation of state | Ramanujan–Nagell equation | Quadratic equation | Prym differential | Prony equation | power series solution of differential equations | Pell's equation | Partial thromboplastin time | Partial Terms of Endearment | Mathieu's equation | Marchenko equation | Majorana's equation | Magnetic Drum Digital Differential Analyzer | Low-voltage differential signaling |
Shing-Tung Yau received the Fields Medal at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Warsaw in 1982 for his work in global differential geometry and elliptic partial differential equations, particularly for solving such difficult problems as the Calabi conjecture of 1954, and a problem of Hermann Minkowski in Euclidean spaces concerning the Dirichlet problem for the real Monge–Ampère equation.