
unusual facts about error correcting code

Stack search

It can be used to explore tree-structured search spaces and is often employed in Natural language processing applications, such as parsing of natural languages, or for decoding of error correcting codes where the technique goes under the name of sequential decoding.

Triton II

The Triton II (Official name 82430HX) was a version of Intel's Triton processor chipset with all the features of the 82430FX (Triton I) plus support for ECC, parity RAM, two-way SMP, USB, and then current PCI to improve speed.

see also

Decoherence-free subspaces

Noteworthy is also independent work by Martin Plenio, Vlatko Vedral and Peter Knight who constructed an error correcting code with codewords that are invariant under a particular unitary time evolution in spontaneous emission.

SyntheSys Research

Ultimately, channels become so optimized they are operating at the extents of their physical limitations, and in these cases, improving reliability is done by adding Forward error correction (FEC) also known as Error Correcting Code (ECC) capabilities that trade the overhead of transmitting extra information with the advantage of being able to correct errors during transmission.