
4 unusual facts about ethanol fuel

Embraer EMB 202 Ipanema

The latest version of this aircraft is the first ethanol-powered fixed-wing aircraft, which could give it an economical advantage over the gasoline version.

Hubbert peak theory

Cheap natural gas has also led to Ethanol fuel produced with a net EROEI of less than 1, although figures in this area are controversial because methods to measure EROEI are in debate.

John Hoynes

He is opposed to ethanol tax credits, seeing ethanol fuel as an ineffective and expensive source of energy and refusing to break a 50-50 Senate tie on the matter.

Velocity XL

The Rocket Racing League is utilizing a highly modified Velocity XL FG airframe and an Armadillo Aerospace 2,500 pound thrust liquid oxygen (LOX) and ethanol rocket engine in both its Mark-II X-Racer and Mark-III X-Racer demonstration vehicles.


E85 is an abbreviation for an ethanol fuel blend of 85% denatured ethanol fuel and 15% gasoline or other hydrocarbon by volume, although the exact ratio of fuel ethanol to hydrocarbon can vary considerably while still carrying the E85 label.

Monte Carlo Automobile

In 2005 Montecarlo Automobile started the collaboration with FIA/ACI/CSAI in the challenge of car powered by green energy from the street legal ALA 50 powered by Methane and LPG and the Quadrifuel "Carlo Chiti" powered by Methane, Ethanol fuel, LPG and gasoline with which got the podium in the Methane class of FIA Alternative Energies Cup.

Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation

In practice, the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation will mostly be achieved by blending bioethanol, biomethanol, biodiesel and biogas (derived from sources such as palm oil, oilseed rape, cereals, sugar cane, sugar beet, and reprocessed vegetable oil) with fossil fuels.

see also

Reading Transport

In October 2009, it was discovered that instead of the bio-ethanol fuel having been sourced from sugar beet grown in the English county of Norfolk (as had been advertised), it was actually made from wood pulp imported from Sweden.