laser | Laser | laser-guided bomb | Selective laser sintering | Nd:YAG laser | YAG laser | Tactical High Energy Laser | Selective Laser Sintering | Sailing at the 2012 Summer Olympics – Women's Laser Radial class | laser tag | Laser lighting display | Laser (dinghy) | Laser (debit card) | Ford Laser | Excimer laser | Direct Metal Laser Sintering | Direct metal laser sintering | Transistor laser | selective laser sintering | Satellite laser ranging | satellite laser ranging | Quantum cascade laser | Lunar Laser Ranging Experiment | Lunar Laser Ranging experiment | Laser Vision | Laser Stratos | Laser safety | Laser Quest | Laser Mission | Laser Interferometer Space Antenna |
Lower-energy femtosecond lasers may improve upon the traditional excimer laser by reducing disruption of ocular structures, with intrastromal ablation obviating the need for the damaging epithelial incision and ablation currently employed in LASIK and PRK procedures.
His clinical interests are devoted to LASIK treatment, femtosecond laser uses in LASIK and other corneal surgeries, LASEK/Photorefractive keratectomy, and CK (conductive keratoplasty), and corneal inlays (Intacs) for keratoconus.