tax | income tax | United States Tax Court | tax evasion | Tax evasion | Terminator (franchise) | sales tax | Media franchise | Inheritance tax | Highlander (franchise) | Tax Reform Act of 1986 | Tax | Progressive tax | media franchise | Law & Order (franchise) | Value Added Tax (United Kingdom) | Value Added Tax | Tax per head | ''Resident Evil'' franchise | property tax | Indiana Jones (franchise) | Income tax in the United States | Dune (franchise) | Back to the Future (franchise) | Withholding tax | Value added tax | Tron (franchise) | The Franchise Affair | Tax refund | Tax Foundation |
The Canton Railroad dispute with Maryland involving whether the state franchise tax on railroad activities in the port of Baltimore violated the Import-Export or Commerce Clauses of the Constitution led to the Supreme Court case Canton Railroad Company v. Rogan, 340 U.S. 511 (1951).