Ultra high frequency | Frequency modulation | frequency | High frequency | Very high frequency | frequency modulation | Extremely high frequency | Radio-frequency identification | Medium frequency | Frequency | Digital-to-analog converter | Cambridge Low Frequency Synthesis Telescope | ultra high frequency | Super high frequency | low frequency | Frequency Modulation | Frequency-division multiplexing | FreQuency | Converter | Analog-to-digital converter | Utility frequency | Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access | Nyquist frequency | Modified Frequency Modulation | Low-frequency oscillation | Low-frequency effects | Low frequency | Living on Another Frequency | High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program | Geneva Frequency Plan of 1975 |
The controller, a frequency converter, conditions bi-directional (four quadrant), speed synchronized, and multiphase electrical power to at least one of the winding sets (generally, the rotor winding set).
Sub definition: automation is composed of the essentials of the drives (frequency converter + motor), a programmable logic control as well as a Panel to the visualization.