
unusual facts about gay liberation

Revolutionary Cells – Animal Liberation Brigade

We are anarchists, communists, anti-racists, animal liberationists, earth liberationists, luddites, feminists, queer liberationists, and many more things across various other fronts.

see also

Carl Bean

Before founding the first church of the denomination, the Unity Fellowship Church, Los Angeles, in 1975, Bean was a Motown and disco singer, noted particularly for his version of the early gay liberation song "I Was Born This Way".

Communism and homosexuality

The League for the Revolutionary Party, a communist party based in New York, issued a statement shortly after the passage of California's Proposition 8 condemning the amendment; reaffirming their support for same-sex marriage and expressing their views on how gay liberation is essential to the communist philosophy.

David McDiarmid

One of these protests, outside the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Headquarters on 11 July 1972, protested the refusal by ABC Management to show a segment on Gay Liberation featuring Dennis Altman as part of the programme This Day Tonight; it was during this peaceful protest that McDiarmid was arrested, the first such arrest at a gay rights protest in Australia.

Stephen Durham

He was an early member of the gay rights movement and attended the first national lesbian and gay gathering, the West Coast Gay Liberation Conference, which took place in 1969 in Berkeley.