
unusual facts about gravitational potential

N-body simulation

Another possibility is the particle mesh method in which space is discretised on a mesh and, for the purposes of computing the gravitational potential, particles are assumed to be divided between the nearby vertices of the mesh.

Newtonian potential

It is named for Isaac Newton, who first discovered it and proved that it was a harmonic function in the special case of three variables, where it served as the fundamental gravitational potential in Newton's law of universal gravitation.

Timeline of cosmic microwave background astronomy

1966 - Rainer Sachs and Arthur Michael Wolfe theoretically predict microwave background fluctuation amplitudes created by gravitational potential variations between observers and the last scattering surface (see Sachs-Wolfe effect)

see also

Colonization of the outer Solar System

---by who?---> Nuclear power is believed by some to be the only suitable power source for the colonies, although there have been proposals to use concentrated starlight/sunlight and the gravitational potential energy of planets or dwarf planets with moons.