
unusual facts about heavy drinking

Lace and Whiskey

After many years of portraying a dark and sinister persona Alice Cooper decided to try something new and donned the persona of a heavy drinking comic PI named "Maurice Escargot" - a fictional character in the same vein as Inspector Clouseau.

see also

Chris Collingwood

Collingwood has admitted to having trouble with alcohol, even stating that his heavy drinking resulted in him having only contributed three songs to the band's fourth studio album, Traffic and Weather.

Edward William Davies

His own doctor, Henry Lotz, later told the Supreme Court that he had treated Davies for gout complicated by heavy drinking in June 1901; that he had recommended the Grosvenor Hospital, and that Davies had gone there and then made ‘a rapid recovery’.

First and Third Trinity Boat Club May Ball

It originates from a celebration of the First and Third Trinity Boat Club, after which the Ball is named, for their win in the 1838 May Bumps: this consisted in a night of heavy drinking at a local pub, the Hoop Inn.