
unusual facts about history of Florence

Florentine Histories

At the end of that year, Cardinal Giulio de Medici, later Pope Clement VII, commissioned him history of Florence.

Loggia del Mercato Nuovo

The design reproduces one of the wheels of a medieval Carroccio, symbol of the Florentine republic, on which the city's standard was hoisted daily.

Raimon Vidal de Bezaudun

Vidal also took pains to argue for the superiority of lemosí (or Lemozi, i.e., Occitan) over other vernaculars, prompting the Florentine poet Dante Alighieri to write a De Vulgari Eloquentia justifying the use of the Tuscan vernacular as opposed to the Occitan.

The Rule of Four

The author of the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, Francesco Colonna, was a humanist in Renaissance Florence.

see also

Alfred von Reumont

On the history of Florence and of Tuscany he wrote Tavole cronologiche e sincrone della storia fiorentina (1841; Supplement, 1875); Geschichte Toscanas seit dem Ende des florentinischen Freistaats (History of Toscany since the end of the Florentine freestate, Gotha, 1876–77); and a work on Lorenzo de' Medici (Leipzig, 1874, and again 1883).

Florentine Histories

The first of the eight books is a general picture of the history of Europe from the fall of the Western Roman Empire to 1215; the second book actually begins to discuss the history of Florence, with the narration of the feud between Buondelmenti/Donati and Uberti/Amidei, that according to tradition corroborated by Dante would unchain the conflict between Guelphs and Ghibellines in the city.