
unusual facts about human blood

Eternity in Death

The tox report reveals that the "potion" Tiara drunk, was a mixture of hallucinogens, tranqs, date rape drugs, and human blood.

Ortho Clinical Diagnostics

The business has two major segments: Transfusion Medicine which is involved in screening human blood, and Clinical Laboratories, which does a variety of chemical and immunodiagnostic testing.

see also

Ashoka's Hell

A particular narration detailed how Samudra, while tortured in a cauldron full of boiling water, human blood, bone marrow and excrement, caused the contents of the cauldron to cool down and then sat meditating cross-legged on a lotus sprouting from the fluid.

Dudley Leavitt

While he is cited in Jon Krakauer's bestseller, Under the Banner of Heaven as a participant in the Mountain Meadows massacre of 1857, Leavitt is said to have never discussed the massacre, except to have remarked later in life, "I thank God that these old hands have never been stained by human blood."

Genetic history of the British Isles

An international watershed in the publication and discussion of genetic evidence for ancient movements of people was that of Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza who used polymorphisms from proteins found within human blood (such as the ABO blood groups, Rhesus blood antigens, HLA loci, immunoglobulins, G-6-P-D isoenzymes, amongst others).

O'nyong'nyong virus

The first virus isolates were obtained during this outbreak from mosquitoes and human blood samples collected from Gulu in northern Uganda in 1959.

Organ gifting

The concept of gifting with regards to body parts or fluids was first analyzed by Richard Titmuss in his book titled The Gift Relationship: from Human Blood to Social Policy.


A documentary shown in the UK on 28 September 2006 featuring journalist Brian Deer as part of Channel 4's Dispatches series exposed uncertainty about the existence of data that should mandatorily have been submitted by TeGenero to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) prior to the trial indicating whether TGN1412 had been adequately tested on human blood in vitro.