
unusual facts about human rights violations

Fernando Belaúnde Terry

In addition, some government officials and insurgents were subsequently accused of human rights violations, and a state of emergency was promulgated in the Ayacucho and Apurímac regions.

Niger Delta

The delta is an oil-rich region, and has been the centre of international controversy over devastating pollution and ecocide, kleptocracy (notably by the Abacha regime), and human rights violations in which Royal Dutch Shell has been implicated.

see also

Abdel Basset Turki

He condemned human rights violations by US and allied troops in the Combined Joint Task Force 7.


It sets out to investigate human rights violations in Cambodia, provide free legal assistance, empower citizens and grassroots communities, and engage in advocacy work through its Central Office (located in Phnom Penh) and 22 provincial offices, reaching out to all districts in the country.

Amauris Samartino Flores

According to a report by the Human Rights Foundation (HFR), "Samartino was subjected to numerous human rights violations, including wrongful imprisonment, arbitrary detainment, forced exile, due process abuse, and undue restriction of free speech." He arrived in Colombia on the night of January 8.

Chris Nonis

He shot to international prominence on the back of an interview on CNN, on the show Amanpour with CNN's Fred Pleitgen, as he defended Sri Lanka's stance on human rights violations accusations.

Chris Nyst

He is a senior member of the International Commission of Jurists and was a special adviser to the UN investigation into human rights violations in East Timor.

Christopher Hartley

In a letter to the directors of Tate & Lyle dated July 10, 2009, he asserted that human rights violations continue in the Dominican Republic, which include "daily and systematic disregard for fundamental human dignity in the forms of “statelessness” (and its inherent lack of civil liberties), human trafficking, extreme poverty, child labor, racial discrimination, lack of education and healthcare, and general squalor.

Echol Cole

The death of these men, together with many numerous racial and working-class injustices, contributed to Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) on March 18, participating in a city-wide march to honor these men, support the Memphis Sanitation Strike, and address the human rights violations which led to their deaths.

Ethiopian Air Force

However, further training of pilots and delivery of aircraft was stopped after President Carter cut off all arms supplies in protest of the Derg's human rights violations.

Human rights abuses in Kashmir

In October 2010, Army Chief Gen VK Singh asserted in an interview that over 95% of the allegations of human rights violations proved to be false and had apparently been levelled with the "ulterior motive of maligning the armed forces".

Jon Moynihan

He helped found, and was until recently Chairman of, The Helen Bamber Foundation, a charity headed by Helen Bamber that works with refugee victims of human rights violations.

Katharine Houreld

She is based in Nairobi, and serves as an East African correspondent to the associated press, her writings focus on political unrest and human rights violations in Africa.

Laos–United States relations

Bush was criticized by many fellow Republicans in Congress, including Congressman Mark Andrew Green and Congressman George Radanovich for this move given serious human rights violations in Laos against the Hmong people.

Mugabe and the White African

The film follows Mike Campbell, his son-in-law Ben Freeth, and their family as they challenge Robert Mugabe and the Zimbabwean government before the Southern African Development Community tribunal for racial discrimination and human rights violations.

New Zealand cricket team in Zimbabwe in 2005

Concern for human rights violations in Zimbabwe, in particular the slum clearances known as Operation Murambatsvina, prompted calls by the Green Party and human rights advocates including Amnesty International for the cricket team to boycott the tour.

Not On Our Watch Project

The organization was established by Don Cheadle, George Clooney, Matt Damon, Brad Pitt, David Pressman, and Jerry Weintraub in 2008, to bring global attention to human rights violations in Darfur and beyond, while providing resources to assist in putting an end to mass atrocities around the world.

Robert Maginn

In 2001, Maginn married Chai Ling, one of the student leaders in the Tian'anmen Square protests of 1989 and the founder of All Girls Allowed, a humanitarian organization that aims to stop the human rights violations related to China's One-Child Policy.

Sharon Bhagwan-Rolls

Rolls is known as a strong critic of the military coup which deposed the Qarase government on 5 December 2006, and of human rights violations allegedly committed by soldiers since then.

Supreme Court of Chile

In August 2007, it upheld a life sentence for Hugo Salas Wenzel, the first senior official to receive a life term for human rights violations conducted during the reign of Pinochet.

The Namibian

The newspaper exposed human rights violations by South Africa's occupying forces and was thus perceived as overly critical and pro-SWAPO by the South African government.

Thomas Pappas

In November 2006, human rights attorney Wolfgang Kaleck filed a high profile criminal complaint at the German Federal Attorney General (Generalbundesanwalt) against Donald Rumsfeld and several other US officials and officers including Thomas Pappas for their alleged involvement in human rights violations at the Abu Ghraib prison.

War of aggression

Lyal S. Sunga Individual Responsibility in International Law for Serious Human Rights Violations, Nijhoff (1992) 252 p.


The same is true for other minority newspapers, like the many African-American newspapers that covered human rights violations, oppression, and the movements for civil rights at the beginnings of the Civil Rights era, before mainstream newspapers offered regular or even-handed coverage.