
unusual facts about infinite series

Motor variable

At the National University of La Plata in 1935, J.C. Vignaux, an expert in convergence of infinite series, contributed four articles on the motor variable to the university’s annual periodical.

see also


Cahen's constant, an infinite series of unit fractions, with alternating signs, derived from Sylvester's sequence

Comparison test

Limit comparison test, a method of testing for the convergence of an infinite series.

Direct comparison test, a way of deducing the convergence or divergence of an infinite series or an improper integral.

Jacobi–Madden equation

Noam Elkies was first to find an infinite series of solutions to Euler's equation with exactly one variable equal to zero, thus disproving Euler's sum of powers conjecture for the fourth power.

Mehler kernel

It can be written as an infinite series involving the one dimensional probability densities and Hermite polynomials of x and y (see the link to Slepian).