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Around 2004-2005, he developed a robot (known as the "Munis Robot") that can speak Nepali with the capability to discern obstacles by the help of built-in ultrasonic, infra red, mechanical whiskers, and other visual and audio devices.
The AIR-ONE Emergency Response Coalition uses a variety of mission equipment including police capable radios, LoJack receivers, night visions goggles (AN-VIS), forward looking infra-red (FLIR) and Night Sun search lights.
The main differences between the 20Da and 20D are the replacement of the "hot mirror" infra-red (IR) filter which covers the CMOS sensor on the 20D and live view mode.
Counter-IED Reconnaissance Planes: The U.S. Army’s Task Force ODIN-E flies manned reconnaissance aircraft that use an array of full-motion video (FMV), electro-optical (EO), infra-red (IR), and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery sensors to find IEDs.
HiROS (High Resolution Optical System) is a satellite system operating in the visible and near infra-red (NIR) optical range with a 0.5 m ground resolution.
All sensor systems are housed in an integrated mast, provided by Thales Nederland, called the I-Mast 400, comprising a SeaMaster 400 SMILE air warning radar, a SeaWatcher 100 active phased-array surface detection and tracking radar and the GateKeeper infra-red/electro-optical (EO) warning system.
This upgrade will include Sagem Vampir NG IRST (infra-red search and track) capability, Saab Combat Management System upgrade and CEA Technologies PAR 3D E/F band fixed active phased array radar and illuminator.
Spectroscopy (especially FTIR or Infrared spectroscopy) Technique: thin polymer sections are needed in order that the infra-red beam will penetrate the sample under examination.
82 Wing, the F-111 underwent numerous upgrades, including the Pave Tack infra-red and laser-guided precision weapons targeting system, Harpoon anti-shipping missiles, and advanced digital avionics.
This light is then reflected out through the photophore apterture, where it passes through a brown filter, yielding a far-red light with a maximum absorbance at 708 nm (almost infra-red).
PIRATE (Passive Infra Red Airborne Tracking Equipment) for Eurofighter Typhoon
These modules were supplemented by the study of various types of image modalities such as: infra-red, ultrasonic, radio-isotopique and X-ray imagery, with an emphasis on their application to medical imagery.
The stones had no fingerprints, so a night-time surveillance using infra-red cameras and image-intensifiers was set up.
As a result the touch display can be completely protected from external factors and has a far greater resistance to rough treatment of all forms – abrasion, shock, vibration, extreme heat levels, adverse weather conditions and exposure to harmful chemicals in contrast with other traditional touch sensing techniques, such as optical, acoustic, capacitive, infra-red or resistive screens.