
unusual facts about instruction set

CADO Systems Technical Information

It was possible to write Intel 8080-based instructions directly into CADOL code by means of an "escape to ASM" instruction MACH, and return to CADOL with an "escape to CADOL" instruction MACH RETURN.

Nintendo S-SMP

The Sony SPC 700 is the S-SMP's integrated 8-bit CPU core manufactured by Sony with an instruction set similar to that of the MOS Technology 6502 (as used in the Commodore 64 and Vic 20, Apple II, BBC Micro and the original NES).

Transmeta Efficeon

The Efficeon processor is Transmeta's second-generation 256-bit VLIW design which employs a software engine to convert code written for x86 processors to the native instruction set of the chip (Code Morphing Software, aka CMS).

Internally, the Efficeon has two arithmetic logic units, two load/store/add units, two execute units, two floating-point/MMX/SSE/SSE2 units, one branch prediction unit, one alias unit, and one control unit.

Vector processor

A vector processor, or array processor, is a central processing unit (CPU) that implements an instruction set containing instructions that operate on one-dimensional arrays of data called vectors.

see also


The Efficeon processor was Transmeta's second-generation 256-bit VLIW design which employed a software engine to convert code written for x86 processors to the native instruction set of the chip.

AES implementations

SPARC S3 core processors include the AES instruction set, which is used with SPARC T4 and SPARC T5 systems.

Apollo PRISM

PRISM (Parallel Reduced Instruction Set Machine) was Apollo Computer's high-performance CPU used in their DN10000 series workstations.

Apple Worm

The instruction set of the PDP-11 computer includes an instruction for moving data, which when constructed in a particular form causes itself to be moved from higher addresses to lower addresses; the form includes an automatic decrement of the instruction pointer register.

Architecture of Windows NT

In particular hardware abstraction does not involve abstracting the instruction set, which generally falls under the wider concept of portability.


Advanced Vector Extensions, an instruction set extension in the x86 microprocessor architecture

Berkeley IRAM project

Its publications were early advocates of the incorporation of vector processing and vector instruction sets into microprocessors, and several commercial microprocessors, such as the Intel AVX, subsequently adopted vector processing instruction set extensions.

Counter machine

However, the reader needs to be cautioned that, even though the μ operator is easily created by the base instruction set doesn't mean that an arbitrary partial recursive function can be easily created with a base model -- Turing equivalence and partial recursive functions imply an unbounded μ operator, one that can scurry to the ends of the register chain ad infinitum searching for its goal.


In 1996, Rogers posted a free instruction set on the then newly founded Intuitor website.


the IBM POWER Instruction Set Architecture, a predecessor to the PowerPC/Power ISA instruction set architecture;

the IBM POWER microprocessors, a line of microprocessors implementing the IBM POWER and the PowerPC/Power ISA instruction set architectures.

Instruction set simulator

An instruction set simulator (ISS) is a simulation model, usually coded in a high-level programming language, which mimics the behavior of a mainframe or microprocessor by "reading" instructions and maintaining internal variables which represent the processor's registers.

Marcian Hoff

Hoff joined Intel in 1968 as employee number 12, and is credited with coming up with the idea of using a "universal processor" rather than a variety of custom-designed circuits in the architectural idea and an instruction set formulated with Stanley Mazor in 1969 for the Intel 4004 - the chip that started the microprocessor revolution in the early 1970s.


In terms of its instruction-set architecture, MicroBlaze is very similar to the RISC-based DLX architecture described in a popular computer architecture book by Patterson and Hennessy.

Programmable Safety Control System PSS

Programming followed the same formula, except that the instruction set was drastically reduced from the start to just a few languages, such as IL (Instruction List) or LD (Ladder Logic/Ladder diagram).

Stanley Mazor

Credited along with Faggin, Hoff, and Masatoshi Shima of Busicom as co-inventor, Mazor helped define the architecture and the instruction set for the revolutionary new chip, dubbed the Intel 4004.

Xerox Daybreak

Daybreak was the last machine released in the D* (pronounced D-Star) series of machines, at least some of which shared an instruction set architecture designed by Butler Lampson known as Wildflower.


XOP instruction set, a computer instruction set introduced by AMD in 2009