Soft error | Forward error correction | Xero Error | Inborn error of metabolism | Error detection and correction | Source-monitoring error | scrivener's error | Round-off error | Postage stamp design error | postage stamp design error | One error and its catastrophic results: ''Napoleon's invasion of Russia#Retreat | Off-by-one error | Observational error | Margin of Error (The Wire episode) | Margin of Error | Human error assessment and reduction technique | error function | error detection and correction | Erotic target location error | End of an Error (2004-2006) | End of an Error | Discretization error | Clerical error | Berkson error model |
An invert error of the $1 lamp stamp, it was so named because the original sheet was bought by a CIA employee who had gone to the post office to buy some stamps.
In 1962, to prevent people profiting from the issue of an invert stamp error, the United States Post Office Department intentionally reprinted 40,270,000 copies the yellow Dag Hammarskjöld invert stamp.