
unusual facts about king of Gwent

Meurig ap Hywel

Meurig, son of King Hywel of "Morgannwg" (actually, only part of Glywysing), was said to have joined Rhodri the Great in defeating them but to have fallen in the battle.

see also

1851 in art

Works of art on display include the Tara Brooch, handicrafts and ornaments by the Khudabadi Sindhi Swarankar, an electrotype of John Evan Thomas' sculpture Death of Tewdric Mawr, King of Gwent, and a demonstration by makers of Bristol blue glass.

Llandaff Cathedral

Meurig ap Tewdrig, King of Gwent and the husband of Onbrawst, daughter of Gwrgan Fawr, who was a cousin of Dubricius