
unusual facts about king of Navarre

Marie Touchet

Her anagrammed name was even Je Charme Tout (the letters I and J were then considered interchangeable) meaning "I charm all." Henry, King of Navarre was responsible for this clever wordplay.

Payzac, Dordogne

1481-1516: Jean d'Albret, king of Navarre, count of Périgord, viscount of Limoges, lord of Payzac

see also


June 10Joanna of Navarre, daughter of Charles the Bad, King of Navarre (born 1370)

Nicolas de la Grotte

Nothing is known about his early life; the first record of La Grotte's life is from 1557, when he was employed as a keyboard player (organ and spinet) to the King of Navarre, Antoine de Bourbon, at Pau in southwestern France.

Sancho II of Pamplona

The Historia General de Navarra by Jaime del Burgo says (referencing in turn the Anales del Reino de Navarra of José de Moret) that on the occasion of the donation of the villa of Alastue by Sancho to the monastery of San Juan de la Peña in 987, he titled himself "King of Navarre," the first time that title had been used.