
unusual facts about landscape gardening

Henrietta Knight, Lady Luxborough

Henrietta Knight went to live on her husband's estate at Barrells Hall, which she had laid out in the artificial style of landscape gardening.

see also

1803 in literature

Humphry Repton - Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening

Englischer Garten

To advise on the project, the Royal Gardener Friedrich Ludwig Sckell (von Sckell from his knighthood in 1808) who had studied landscape gardening in England and had previously worked for Carl Theodor at Schwetzingen, had been summoned to Munich earlier in August.

Gore Place

The gardens, according to Charles W. Eliot (father of noted American landscape designer Charles Eliot), show the influence of English landscape architect Humphry Repton, whose Sketches and Hints on Landscape Gardening just predates the Gores' presence in England.