
unusual facts about legislative assistant

John Earl Haynes

During the last years of the 1970s Haynes served as a legislative assistant to Sen. Wendell Anderson, a Democratic Governor of Minnesota named to replace Walter Mondale in the United States Senate when the latter was elected Vice President of the United States.

see also

Andrew Wenthe

His prior political experience includes serving as a legislative assistant for State Senator Jeff Danielson and as legislative staff for Senator Chuck Grassley.

Arthur Waskow

He worked from 1959 to 1961 as legislative assistant to Congressman Robert Kastenmeier of Wisconsin.

Bart Maves

Maves worked as a legislative assistant to federal MP Ken Atkinson, who represented St. Catharines from 1988 to 1993.

Betsy Markey

She later went on to work for U.S. Congressman Herbert Harris (D-VA) as a Caseworker/Legislative Assistant on one of the Congressman’s subcommittees.

Brad Pfaff

Prior to a career in public service, Pfaff served as a legislative assistant and a staff member for Congressman Ron Kind and United States Senator Herb Kohl.

Bradford P. Campbell

Prior to joining the Department of Labor, Campbell served as Legislative Director for then-Congressman Ernest Fletcher and as Senior Legislative Assistant to former Congressman and SEC Chairman, Christopher Cox.

Daniel Deudney

During the late 1970s Deudney worked for three years as the senior legislative assistant for energy and environment and legislative director to Senator John Durkin (D-NH).

Daniel R. Pearson

From 1981 to 1987, Pearson was the agricultural legislative assistant to former Sen. Rudy Boschwitz in Washington, D.C., where he was responsible for legislative and regulatory issues under the jurisdiction of the Senate Agricultural Committee.

David Roland

Roland also worked as Legislative Assistant to New Jersey State Senator, Byron Baer, dealing with constituent problems.

Deputy Under Secretary for Rural Development

He also served as Legislative Assistant for Representative Leonard Boswell, focusing primarily on Rep. Boswell’s work on the House Agriculture Committee, and as a Clerk for Justice Jerry Larson of the Iowa Supreme Court.

Edward Braunstein

After college he worked as a Legislative Assistant in the New York City office of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, while also attending evening classes at New York Law School.

Frederick M. Bernthal

In 1978, Bernthal became a legislative assistant to Sen. Howard Baker (RTenn.).

Hans A. Linde

Afterwards he was a Legislative Assistant to U.S. Senator Richard L. Neuberger, 1955-1958.

Harris Miller

Early on, Miller was an aide on the U.S. House Judiciary Committee; a legislative director for former U.S. Senator John A. Durkin (D-N.H.); the Deputy Director of Personnel Management for Congressional Relations in the Carter Administration; and a legislative assistant for the Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and International Law.

Jack Lew

Lew began his career as a legislative assistant to Representative Joe Moakley and as a senior policy adviser to former House Speaker Tip O'Neill.

James Milliken

He has also worked in Washington as legislative assistant to Congresswoman Virginia Smith.

Jason Dohring

In October 2008, it was announced that Jason would return to TV as Spencer, a senior legislative assistant, on the new HBO comedy Washingtonienne.

Mark Albrecht

He was the Legislative Assistant for National Security Affairs to US Sen. Pete Wilson (R-Calif) from 1983 - 1989.

Mark W. Olson

Between 1971 and 1976, Olson served former Republican Representative Bill Frenzel of Minnesota, as Legislative Assistant for Banking Issues (1971–72), then as Director of his district office (1974–76).

Nancy P. Dorn

After college, Dorn got a job on the associate staff of the United States House Committee on Appropriations as a legislative assistant.

Peter Abbate

Prior to his election to the Assembly Abbate served as the District Representative for former Congressman Stephen J. Solarz, from 1974 to 1985, and previously as his legislative assistant while Solarz was a member of the Assembly, 1973.

Randall Ray Rader

Judge Rader served in staff positions on the House of Representatives from 1975 to 1980, first as a legislative assistant to U.S. Rep. Virginia Smith from 1975 to 1978, then as counsel to U.S. Rep. Philip Crane, and legislative director of the United States House Committee on Ways and Means from 1978 to 1981.

Sandy Berger

After the McGovern campaign, Berger gained experience working in a variety of government posts, including serving as Special Assistant to former New York City Mayor John Lindsay and Legislative Assistant to former U.S. Senator Harold Hughes of Iowa and Congressman Joseph Resnick of New York.

Silvio O. Conte

For instance, Betty Boothroyd worked for him as a legislative assistant between 1960 and 1962; she later became Speaker of the British House of Commons.

Thomas O. Melia

Melia began his career as a research assistant to U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-New York) in 1980 and eventually became Senior Legislative Assistant for foreign and defense policy.