
unusual facts about leverage


''Leverage'' |

Andres Saenz-Hudson

From there came a string of notable guest stars on popular television shows such as CSI: Miami, Leverage, Criminal Minds, Charmed, and Cold Case.

Berliner Motor Corporation

To get themselves off the hook from Ducati, they turned to Associated Motor Cycles (AMC) in the UK, and used the leverage of the vast USA market they controlled, informing AMC that they would be needing no more of the struggling factory's Matchless motorcycles unless AMC found someone to purchase the unwanted Ducati shipment.

Bloc Québécois

Also, in 1995, when Bouchard garnered an invitation to meet visiting US President Bill Clinton by virtue of being Opposition Leader, Reform leader Preston Manning was also given a meeting with Clinton in order to defuse Bouchard's separatist leverage.


Spud bar, a long straight metal bar used lengthwise as a hand tool to deliver blows to a target, or for leverage

Defence Information Infrastructure

Their approach is in essence to leverage Microsoft Windows XP (and future Windows platforms) together with the web browser Internet Explorer to access a VPN.


Therefore, some economists, including John Geanakoplos, strongly argue that the Federal Reserve should monitor and regulate the system-wide leverage level in the economy, limiting leverage in good times and encouraging higher levels of leverage in bad times, by extending lending facilities.

Federal Employees' Distributing Company

It was founded by 800 U.S. Post Office employees who wanted to leverage their buying power by purchasing goods directly from wholesalers, and eliminate the additional markup of a retail store.

Fudan Fuzhong Overseas Foundation

The mission statement of the foundation is to leverage overseas Fudan Fuzhong alumni network and the broader philanthropic community; to support financially deprived students and other education related programs at Fudan Fuzhong. As of 2011, the working committee of the Foundation consists of 14 alumni based in New York, New Jersey, Minnesota and Shanghai, China, all on volunteer basis, from class of 1979 to 2007.

Human–computer information retrieval

Early work on interactive information retrieval, such as Juergen Koenemann and Nicholas J. Belkin’s 1996 study of different levels of interaction for automatic query reformulation, leverage the standard IR measures of precision and recall but apply them to the results of multiple iterations of user interaction, rather than to a single query response.


Lightweight rowing was a category entered into the Olympic sport, originally due to countries of smaller stature competing with an unfair disadvantage, as rowing favors the taller athlete who has more leverage.

M-shaped society

Once the immediate ancestors, parents or grandparents have done the groundwork needed to create the circumstances and design the opportunities, the person who was born into the right place and the right time with the right circumstances will leverage their circumstances to be part of Revolutionary Wealth, a theory put forward by Alvin Toffler, author of Future Shock.

Mark Carney

Prior to taking up the post, Carney has already indicated disagreement with the Bank of England's Executive Director of Financial Stability Andy Haldane, specifically on leverage ratios and on bank break-ups.


It supports data-driven testing, verification points and keywords to increases test coverage, promotes script reuse, and leverage the number of automated tests.

Media Lovin' Toolkit

An XML authoring schema designed to leverage the full capabilities of the system


Unfortunately being the critic's darlings did not translate into the kind of sales WEA had imagined and after releasing 2 more EP's on WEA and most importantly after the death of Conny Plank in 1987 the band lost any leverage it may have had and were dropped by WEA and Harold Goldbach.

Morgan Park, Duluth, Minnesota

The Duluth Works steel and cement plants, and Morgan Park itself, were not the direct result of a vast expanding industrial empire in the United States around the start of the 20th century in this area, but more in part, they were leverage in a "gentleman's agreement" between the United States Steel Corporation and the State of Minnesota.

Peking All-Stars

Guitarist Michael Schoenhals, later to leverage his collection of Chairman Mao buttons into a position as Scandinavian expert on China's Cultural Revolution.


The programmer may utilize a common code framework such as PowerBuilder Foundation Classes, also known as PFC, to inherit objects from and leverage pre-existing code.

Roger de Busli

Much of the de Busli's family's leverage came from their familial relationships with the crown through the Counts of Eu.

San Antonio River Walk

That was also the year the Hilton Palacio del Rio was built, the first of many downtown hotels that leverage their slice of urban "riverfront."

Schurz Communications, Incorporated v. Federal Communications Commission and United States of America

This case challenged Syndication and Financial rules imposed in the 1970s, as broadcast television changed with the popularity of cable television, the rise of the FOX network, and the discrediting of the leverage theory.

Service-oriented communications

The maturing of web service technology has provided a real framework for allowing one system to leverage the services of another according to the principles of a Service Oriented Architecture.

Ton van Loon

In this position he was able to leverage and solidify his earlier experiences in international military cooperation by organizing the first rotations of the Royal Netherlands Army at the (US) Combat Manoeuvre and Training Centre in Hohenfels.

Urban sociology

However, as theory surrounding social networks has developed, sociologists such as Alejandro Portes and the Wisconsin model of sociological research began placing increased leverage on the importance of these weak ties.

Wayne Bastrup

He is known for his guest star performances on numerous television shows, including The Mentalist, CSI: NY, Leverage, Awake, and Whitney.


WISfans provides backend analytics and CRM club marketing to teams in order to leverage engagement and growth, too.

see also