
unusual facts about libertarian

Aaron Dixon

Also appearing on the ballot were Libertarian nominee Bruce Guthrie, independent candidate Robin Adair and, after September 19 primary victories, incumbent Democrat, Maria Cantwell and Republican challenger, Mike McGavick.

Ain't Nobody's Business

Author Peter McWilliams used the song and its theme as the title of his libertarian book, Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do: The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in our Free Country.

Anarchism in Greece

Libertarian movements also occurred in the Ionian Islands, with the names of Mikelis Avlichos and Nikos Konemenos saved for us.

Barrie Leslie Konicov

Konicov's Libertarian political leanings eventually led him to a 1994 bid for Michigan district 3 seat in the United States House of Representatives.

BC Report

BC Report was noted for hosting a number of outspoken columnists such as libertarian economist Walter Block, talk show host Rafe Mair and constitutional lawyer Mel Smith.

Big Water, Utah

This made Joseph the first Libertarian mayor in the history of the U.S. Subsequently, Willy Marshall, also a Libertarian, was elected as the state's first openly gay mayor.

California gubernatorial election, 2006

Art Olivier (Libertarian) - former mayor of Bellflower, 2000 Libertarian Party vice presidential candidate (Harry Browne's running mate)

Charlie Dooley

In a difficult mid-term election season for Democrats, Dooley was elected to serve a second full term as County Executive in 2010, defeating the Republican nominee, Bill Corrigan, 51.1% to 46.7%, with the Libertarian candidate receiving 2.2% of the vote.

Conservatives and Social Reformers

In the 2013 general election the CSR de facto endorsed Stop the Decline, a libertarian party led by Oscar Giannino and Civic Choice party led by Mario Monti.

David Boaz

He is the author of Libertarianism: A Primer, published in 1997 by the Free Press and described by the Los Angeles Times as "a well-researched manifesto of libertarian ideas."

David Koch

David H. Koch (born 1940), United States businessman and 1980 U.S. Libertarian Party Vice Presidential candidate

Dick Erixon

During the 2002 election he had however toured with the libertarian Free List party (Fria Listan), which gained little support and was eventually dissolved.

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness

The award is named for Petr Beckmann, an electrical engineer and libertarian who claimed to have debunked Albert Einstein's theory of relativity.

E.C. Riegel

Best selling libertarian author Harry Browne, in the introduction to his 1974 book You Can Profit from a Monetary Crisis described Riegel's book The New Approach to Freedom as “The best explanation of the free market I've seen.

Ed Thompson

Thompson became the Libertarian party nominee in April and ran against Democrat Jim Doyle, the state Attorney General, and incumbent Republican Governor Scott McCallum, former Lieutenant Governor who had assumed the office in 2001 after Governor Tommy Thompson left to become U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Edward Tyll

A political independent, with a libertarian and liberal bent, Tyll gained notoriety when he briefly replaced conservative host Larry Elder on KABC (AM) Los Angeles.

Eric Garris

When Rothbard and his supporters began to feel that the Libertarian Party, through outfits such as the Cato Institute, was becoming too cozy with the Republican Party and its policies, they founded the "Libertarian Radical Caucus" which was led primarily by Garris and his most consistent collaborator Justin Raimondo.

Eric Schansberg

In 2006, Schansberg ran as a Libertarian and won 4.5% of the votes in Indiana's 9th congressional district race.

Future of Freedom Foundation

It was founded by libertarian author and former defense attorney Jacob G. Hornberger in 1989 in order to advance the libertarian philosophy by "providing an uncompromising moral and economic case for individual liberty, free markets, private property, and a limited government." Sheldon Richman is vice president and editor.

Gas tax holiday

Clinton demurred when asked to name a single economist who supported the holiday, but libertarian George Mason professor Bryan Caplan wrote a New York Times op-ed arguing that "we could do a lot worse than the gas tax holiday."

Giancarlo Pagliarini

Pagliarini is a moderate, sometimes dissenting with the party's social-conservative agenda, a libertarian, especially on economic issues, and a prominent supporter of fiscal federalism and fiscal conservatism.

Green libertarianism

A central tenet of a libertarian environmentalist stance is that corporate externalities are not priced into the market correctly, creating market distortions in the valuation and price of goods, healthy living and the value of the environment.


In late 2006, the Reason Foundation, a libertarian think-tank, issued a report characterizing iProvo as financially unstable and ineffective at lowering Internet costs or raising broadband use.

James Stephen

Sir James Fitzjames Stephen (1829–1894), British judge and anti-libertarian writer

Jerome Armstrong

For the 2012 cycle, Armstrong went to work with Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson, and as a Senior Advisor with the Campaign for Primary Accountability, a Super PAC which supports challengers against Congressional incumbents in both parties.

Jim Lark

On February 19, 2007, the Libertarian Party of Virginia awarded Lark the designation of "Libertarian Leader" for 2007 in recognition of his many contributions to the Libertarian Party.

John-Henri Holmberg

A leading libertarian, he introduced Ayn Rand into Swedish debate in the 1970s and later saw to the publication in Swedish of her main literary works.

Ken Fanning

The visits made to Alaska during the 1976 campaign by Libertarian presidential nominee Roger MacBride and running mate David Bergland spurred interest in the state's LP chapter.

Kristan Harris

On September 1, 2012 Harris was offered and rejected a position with Libertarian Parties Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson's campaign as Media Coordinator for the state of Wisconsin.

Leadership Institute

While the Institute does not provide instruction in philosophical conservatism, it does encourage its graduates to read classic conservative authors like Edmund Burke and "classical liberal" authors like Frederic Bastiat, as well as more modern conservative thinkers including William F. Buckley Jr., Russell Kirk, Barry Goldwater, and libertarian thinkers such as economists Milton Friedman and F. A. Hayek.

Libertarian Party of Connecticut

After receiving the largest vote total in Connecticut Libertarian Party history, Paul Passarelli became the party's first US Senate candidate to retain ballot access for that office despite the towns of Middlefield and Washington failing to report any votes for his candidacy to the Secretary of the State.

Libertarian Party of Maine

As of the 2012 election cycle, it is active with a fully constituted State committee, securing the placement of 2012 Libertarian Party Presidential Nominee Gary Johnson onto the Maine general election ballot for the 2012 election and the endorsement of Andrew Ian Dodge the United States Senate election in Maine, 2012.

Libertarian Party of New York

Its name was changed to the "Free Libertarian Party" when the New York Board of Elections ruled that the name Libertarian Party would confuse voters with the Liberal Party of New York.

Libertarian Party of the District of Columbia

The Libertarian Party of the District of Columbia is dedicated to the same ideas represented by the national Libertarian Party but also focuses on issues specific to DC such as "taxation without representation", home rule, and DC statehood.

Mark Hinkle

Mark Hinkle (born January 28, 1951) is an American libertarian activist and businessman.

Monica Lindeen

Lindeen was a candidate for the United States House of Representatives in 2006, running against Republican incumbent Dennis Rehberg and Libertarian Mike Fellows for the lone Montana seat in the U.S. Congress.

National Civilian Community Corps

AmeriCorps (which includes the NCCC program) is a USA federally funded "network of more than 3,000 non-profit organizations, public agencies, and faith-based organizations." AmeriCorps has met with sharp criticisms from fiscal conservatives who accused it of being a "boondoggle", most notably by libertarian James Bovard in a Fox News article that covered proposals to cut funding for the program.

Qualified New York parties

(Sam Sloan attempted to use this tactic to take the 2010 Libertarian gubernatorial nomination from party nominee Warren Redlich, but did not have enough signatures to successfully do so.

Robert D. Arnott

Arnott considers himself a libertarian, and opposes the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Sam Tripoli

Tripoli is known for his wild, uncensored material, aversion to political correctness, sexual content, libertarian views, and desire to be a crimefighter.


The band has a strong libertarian viewpoint and defines itself as "acid mountain rock".

Sébastien Faure

In 1904, he created a libertarian school called "La Ruche" (The Hive) close to Rambouillet.

Third Way

In the United States, "Third Way" adherents embrace fiscal conservatism to a greater extent than traditional social liberals, and advocate some replacement of welfare with workfare, and sometimes have a stronger preference for market solutions to traditional problems (as in pollution markets), while rejecting pure laissez-faire economics and other libertarian positions.

Tonie Nathan

Nathan consented to have her name placed into nomination for the Libertarian vice-presidential candidacy in the 1976 presidential election, though she did not actively campaign for the position.

United States House of Representatives elections in Georgia, 2012

In response to this, and as Broun is also on the House Science Committee, libertarian radio talk show host Neil Boortz spearheaded a campaign to run deceased biologist Charles Darwin against Broun as the Democrat candidate, with the intention of drawing attention to these comments from the scientific community and having him removed from his post on the House Science Committee.

United States House of Representatives elections in South Carolina, 1982

Incumbent Democratic Congressman Butler Derrick of the 3rd congressional district, in office since 1975, defeated Libertarian challenger Gordon T. Davis.

Virginia's 6th congressional district

In 2010, Jeffrey Vanke ran for the seat, also as an Independent, with endorsement from the Modern Whig Party as did Libertarian candidate Stuart Bain.

Warwick Collins

Collins's political views were liberal and libertarian, but (in 1979) he was asked by Keith Joseph to join a Conservative party think tank chaired by John Hoskyns (who became Chief Political Adviser to Margaret Thatcher) to work on issues such as privatisation.

see also