
unusual facts about lily of the valley

Lily of the Valley

Lily of the valley is used as a food plant by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including the Grey Chi.

Mary garden

Such plants may include laurel trees, strawberries, ladyslippers, lilies of the valley, peonies, violets, irises and roses, all of which are identified as symbolic and significant in the story of Mary as recounted in the Bible and other Christian stories.


Sihoť features a variety of protected plants including Snowdrops, Lily of the Valley and Lesser celandine.

see also

False lily of the valley

Maianthemum canadense, also known as Canadian May-lily, Canada Mayflower, Canadian Lily-of-the-valley, Wild Lily-of-the-valley, or Two-leaved Solomonseal, native to the sub-boreal conifer forests in Canada and the northern United States