local government area | by-election | election | United States presidential election, 2004 | general election | primary election | United States presidential election, 2008 | Canadian federal election, 2004 | United Kingdom general election, 2010 | United States presidential election, 2000 | United States presidential election, 1884 | Australian federal election, 2007 | presidential election | United Kingdom general election, 1997 | Ontario general election, 1995 | United States presidential election, 1960 | Local government in Australia | Canadian federal election, 2006 | Canadian federal election, 1993 | Canadian federal election, 1988 | New Jersey gubernatorial election, 2009 | Local government areas of Victoria | United Kingdom general election, February 1974 | Sri Lankan parliamentary election, 2010 | Canadian federal election, 1984 | United Kingdom general election, 1992 | Local Government Act 1972 | Canadian federal election, 2000 | United States presidential election, 1992 | United States presidential election, 1988 |
in Great Britain, and 2005 he was the 59th candidate out of 61 for the New Era Party in the local elections for the Riga City Council.
He was nominated by the Republican People's Party (CHP) as candidate for mayor of Ankara in the 2009 local elections, in which he gained 31.50% of all votes.
A Senior U.S. District Judge upheld earlier federal court decisions in the case, finding against Cox, and deciding that private entities have a right under the NVRA to engage in organized voter registration activity in Georgia at times and locations of their choosing, without the presence or permission of state or local election officials.
He passed his First State Examination in Münster and obtained a doctorate in law in 1976, with a dissertation called "Representation and integration of foreign nationals in the Federal Republic of Germany with special regard to suffrage – also a comparative study about local election rights in the member states of the European Communities".
At the time she stood in the local election, she worked as a Senior Policy Advisor to the conciliation service Acas and as a trainee speech writer for Anna Diamantopoulou.
He did, however, deal with the crisis of the June 1857 Election Riots, in which the Know-Nothings recruited a street gang from Baltimore, the Plug-Uglies, to come to Washington on its local Election Day and intimidate the voters at the polls; the Plug-Uglies turned away anti-Know-Nothing voters with rocks, guns, and knives, until some citizens brought weapons of their own and the violence grew into mob rule.