
unusual facts about mammal-like reptile

Adam's Curse

It can be noted that the Dunnart has a Y chromosome that has shrunk to only 4 genes, the smallest of any mammal, with no apparent ill effect.


The song "Mammal" by They Might Be Giants includes a reference to this extinct group as "dead Uncle Allotheria".


Elzanowski and Wellnhofer noted that the specimen has distinct bite marks while the back of the head fragment was ragged, and suggested that the jaws were bitten off from its braincase by a deltatheridiid (Deltatheridium) mammal the size of a weasel (adding that these are common in the Bayn Dzak assemblage).


The early mammals that were present in this region during the time of Avimimus were the placental mammals Asioryctes nemegetensis and Barunlestes butleri, the amphibian Gobiates khermeentsavi, the multituberculate mammals Catopsbaatar catopsaloides, Chulsanbaatar vulgaris and Nemegtbaatar gobiensis, and the marsupial mammal Asiatherium reshetovi and Deltatheridium pretrituberculare.


Beached whale, when a large sea mammal may become stranded on land.


Hopson, J.A. and Barghusen, H.R. (1986), An analysis of therapsid relationships in N Hotton, III, PD MacLean, JJ Roth and EC Roth, The Ecology and Biology of Mammal-like Reptiles, Smithsonian Institution Press, pp.

Brighton to Newhaven Cliffs

The landforms, stratigraphy and mammal remains at Black Rock provide an extremely valuable record of former sea levels and changing environmental conditions during the last few glaciations which have affected this area, Southern England, unlike much of the rest of the UK has not been affected by full scale glaciation.

Caribbean bioregion

Three mammal families are endemic to the bioregion; the Solenodontidae includes two species of Solenodon, one species on Cuba, the other on Hispaniola.


Albertogaudrya and Scaglia were the size of a sheep or a small tapir, hence among the larger mammals in South America at this time.

ChattBir Zoo

ChattBir Zoo (formally Mahendra Chaudhary Zoological Park), is a zoological park located near Zirakpur, India that houses hundreds of different mammals, birds and reptiles.

Choctaw Sea

Basilosaurus cetoides and Zygorhiza, early toothed whales, as well as Protosiren, an extinct ancestor of the Manatee, inhabit these waters and are the earliest mammal fossils uncovered with specimens from Citrus County in dolomite ~40—37 Ma.


The early mammals that were present in this region during the time of Conchoraptor were the placental mammals Asioryctes nemegetensis and Barunlestes butleri, the amphibian Gobiates khermeentsavi, the multituberculate mammals Catopsbaatar catopsaloides, Chulsanbaatar vulgaris and Nemegtbaatar gobiensis, and the marsupial mammal Asiatherium reshetovi and Deltatheridium pretrituberculare.

Cream-coloured giant squirrel

It is one of the mammal species found in the extensive Belum-Temengor forest preserve in the Malaysian state of Perak, on the Malay Peninsula.

Dehing Patkai Wildlife Sanctuary

The most common mammal species of this sanctuary are – Hoolock Gibbon, slow loris, Pig-tailed Macaque, Stump-tailed Macaque, Capped Langur, Asian Elephant, Tiger, Black Panther, Leopard, Gaur, Chinese Pangolin, Himalayan Black Bear, Himalayan Squirrel, Leopard Cat, Clouded Leopard, Porcupine, Crab Eating Mongoose, Sambar, Sun bear, Binturong, Barking deer, Golden cat, marbled cat etc.


Drescheratherium is an extinct genus of mammal from the Late Jurassic (Kimmeridgian) Camadas de Guimarota of Leiria, Portugal.


In 1912, Russian physiologist, Vladimir Vladimirovich Pravdich-Neminsky published the first animal EEG and the evoked potential of the mammalian (dog).

Ewenny and Pant Quarries

Kuehneotherium praecursoris, classed as the most primitive therian mammal known, by contrast, could only manage 'soft' insects such as moths.

Glass squid

Often the only organ that is visible through the transparent tissues is a cigar-shaped digestive gland, which is the cephalopod equivalent of a mammalian liver.

Golders Hill Park

The zoo contains a variety of animals and birds, such as Donkeys, Coatis, Rheas, Maras, Red Junglefowl, Lady Amherst's Pheasants, Red-legged Seriemas, Ring-tailed Lemurs, Kookaburras, Sacred Ibis, Cattle Egrets, Little Egrets, Eurasian Eagle-Owls and White-naped Cranes.


The next smallest carnivore in the environment was the mammal Eodelphis, which weighed only 600 grams.

Ian Boyd

As Director of the NERC Sea Mammal Research Unit he was responsible for advising Defra and the Scottish Government about policy related to marine mammals.


Animals inhabiting the mountain include 50 mammal and 100 bird species, including the more common hares, roes, pheasants, foxes, partridges and quails but also in Serbia rare, Red Listed corn crake and 17 newly discovered species of Sesiidae.

Mammal Review

Mammal Review is a zoology journal published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of The Mammal Society, covering all areas of mammalian biology and ecology.

Mammals of Africa

Published in 2013 and edited by Jonathan Kingdon, David Happold, Thomas Butynski, Michael Hoffmann, Meredith Happold and Jan Kalina, it describes every species of African land mammal which comprise 1,160 species and 16 orders.


It is now most popularly imagined as an unknown type of marine mammal, sharing traits with a seal or walrus.

Nihilist Records

It has since released albums by major and minor noise artists like Costes, Cock E.S.P., Pound of Flesh, The Broken Penis Orchestra, Mlehst, John Wiese, Andy Ortmann, Brain Transplant, Inflatable Alterboys, Strangulated Beatoffs, Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock, Mammal, Death Squad, Wolf Eyes, Thurston Moore, Nondor Nevai, Fashion Dictator, Schimpfluch Commune and Zipper Spy.

Oldfield Thomas

In 1891 Thomas married Mary Kane, daughter of Sir Andrew Clark, heiress to a small fortune, which gave him the finances to hire mammal collectors and present their specimens to the museum.


Pachydermata (from two Greek words παχύς pachys, "thick" and δερμα derma, "skin", meaning 'thick skin') is an obsolete order of mammals described by Gottlieb Storr, Georges Cuvier and others, at one time recognized by many systematists.

Philip D. Gingerich

His research focus is in vertebrate paleontology, especially the Paleocene-Eocene transition and early Cenozoic mammals.


:For the mammal in the family of even-toed ungulates see Pig


The Naked mole rat is the only mammal that is currently thought to be poikilothermic.

Prairie Learning Centre

It is home to the Greater Short-horned Lizard (Saskatchewan's only lizard species), the Black Footed Ferret (the most endangered mammal in North America) and Pronghorn (the second fastest land mammal in the world).


One skeleton of Repenomamus robustus, a large triconodont mammal, is preserved with the remains of a juvenile Psittacosaurus in its abdominal cavity.

Richard Van Gelder

Among his colleagues in the Mammal Department at the AMNH were Karl Koopman, Marie A. Lawrence, Guy Musser, and Sydney Anderson.

Sir Arthur Pearson, 1st Baronet

In 1900 Pearson despatched the explorer and adventurer Hesketh Hesketh-Prichard to Patagonia to investigate dramatic reports of a giant hairy mammal inhabiting the forests, and conjectured to be a giant ground sloth, long since extinct.

Sonora River

Physician naturalist Edgar Alexander Mearns' 1907 report of beaver (Castor canadensis) on the Sonora River may be the southernmost extent of the range of this North American aquatic mammal.

Srebarna Nature Reserve

39 mammal, 21 reptile and amphibian and 10 fish species inhabit the reserve, which is most famous for the 179 bird species that nest on its territory, some of which include the Dalmatian Pelican, the Mute Swan, the Greylag Goose, the Marsh Harrier, the Bluethroat, herons and cormorants.


paramacellodid, scincomorphan, and xenosaurid lizards, the shartegosuchid crocodyliform Kyasuchus, the tritylodontid cynodont Xenocretosuchus, the triconodont mammal Gobiconodon, the ceratopsian dinosaur Psittacosaurus, troodontid theropod dinosaurs, and sauropods, all of which have been described from the locality in the past few decades.


Theridion braueri Simon, 1898 probably belongs into a different genus; however, Robertia the new name proposed by Saaristo (2006) is preoccupied by the mammal-like reptile Robertia.

Timothy A Stewart

He was a pioneer in the technique of transferring recombinant genes to mice (transgenic mice) and in 1988 he and Philip Leder were granted a patent on a genetically engineered mammal.


Animals that may have shared the same habitat with Tsaagan include Protoceratops, Shuvuuia, the small mammal Zalambdalestes, the multituberculate mammal Kryptobaatar, as well as several lizards and two yet-undescribed species of troodontid and dromaeosaurid.

USS Seal

Two submarines of the United States Navy have been named USS Seal for the seal, a marine mammal.


Salmonella is able to survive and reproduce in the vacuoles of several mammal species after being engulfed.


The arctic fox is sometimes included in this genus as Vulpes lagopus based on the definitive mammal taxonomy list, as well as genetic evidence.

Waterberg Biosphere

This outcome not only benefits large mammal migration, but yields an improved gene pool.

West Indian manatee

While this is a regularly occurring species along coastal southern Florida, during summer, this large mammal has even been found as far north as Dennis, Massachusetts and as far west as Texas.

West of Eden

The central characters are Vaintè, an ambitious Yilané; Stallan, her vicious and obedient adjutant; and Kerrick, a "ustouzou" (the Yilané word for mammal) who is captured by the reptiloids as a boy, and raised as a Yilané.

see also