
unusual facts about maritime law

Jan Ramberg

Ramberg is the author of many academic books and articles on contract law, maritime law, transport law and Incoterms, published in English, German and Swedish.

Pacific blockade

Pacific blockade was a term invented by Hautefeuille, the French writer on international maritime law, to describe a blockade exercised by a great power for the purpose of bringing pressure to bear on a weaker state without actual war.

Tianjin Maritime Court

Tianjin Maritime Court (天津海事法院) is a maritime court with jurisdiction of all matters of national and international Maritime law.

see also

Godtfred Holmvang

He worked for the United Nations in New York to develop international maritime law.

University of San Francisco Maritime Law Journal

The University of San Francisco Maritime Law Journal (Bluebook abbreviation: U.S.F. Mar. L.J.) is a biannual law review that includes an annual survey of United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit cases pertaining to admiralty and maritime law.