
unusual facts about market economy

Intesa Sanpaolo Bank Albania

ABA was established in September 1998, by the Albanian-American Enterprise Fund (AAEF) a private investment fund established by the United States government under the SEED Act of 1989, to assist Albania in its transition to a market economy.

see also

Copyright law of the Russian Federation

Shortly before its demise, the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union had initiated an omnibus revision of the copyright law of the USSR to adapt it to a market economy.

Cui Zhiyuan

Cui then went onto publish a book on the socialist market economy of Nanjie village, this along with his previous publications cemented his reputation as one of the founding members of China's New Left movement.

Herfindahl index

For formation of effective market economy and competition economic conditions in different sectors of market, the developing countries also use Herfindahl index (see Revaz Lordkipanidze).

Jean-Pierre Lehmann

In 1995, Professor Lehmann launched The Evian Group, an international coalition of corporate, government, and opinion leaders, united by a common vision of enhancing global prosperity for the benefit of all by fostering an open, inclusive and equitable global market economy in a rules-based multilateral framework.

Long run and short run

J.M. Keynes (1936) emphasized fundamental factors of a market economy that might result in prolonged periods away from full-employment.

Lothar Späth

After leaving politics, Späth headed the Jenoptik company, one of the few former Eastern German state owned enterprises, who survived the transformation into a market economy in a united Germany.

Over the Edge Vol. 7: Time Zones Exchange Project

Disc 2 is presented as a Universal Media Netweb simulcast, in conjunction with Radio Moscow, to teach the people of Russia the basics of a Free Market economy.

Production for use

Cooperative economist Jaroslav Vanek suggests that worker self-management and cooperative ownership of enterprises operating in a free-market would allow for a genuine free-market economy free of the market-distorting, monopolistic tendencies and antagonistic interests that emerge from private ownership over production.