
unusual facts about mime artist

Ninja Academy

Attending this session at Chiba's dojo are stereotypical characterizations of a mime (Robinson), a James Bond-like secret agent (David), a Gung-ho military enthusiast (Factor), a klutz (Jack Freiberger), an immature rich college student named Josh (Egan), and two bimbos (Kathleen Stevens and Lisa Montgomery) who had selected the school because it had been rated number one by a martial arts magazine.

Samuel Avital

Samuel Ben-Or Avital is a professionally trained mime artist, teacher of mime, kinesthetic awareness, and Kabbalah.

Thomas Funck

In 1956 there was a musical film made, Charlie Strap, Froggy Ball and Their Friends (Kalle Stropp, Grodan Boll och deras vänner), with actors in costumes miming while Funck provided the voices.

see also

Partha Pratim Majumder

There he met with Jogesh Dutta, an Indian mime artist and became interested in mime.