
unusual facts about newspaper column

Esteban de Luca

De Luca's columns advocated at length for the westward expansion into the pampas, and he became known also for his translations of works by Italian dramatist Vittorio Alfieri (numerous of whose plays were then produced in Buenos Aires).

see also

1881 in poetry

Franklin Pierce Adams (died 1960), American columnist (under the pen name F.P.A.), writer, and wit, part of the famous Algonquin Round Table of the 1920s and 1930s whose newspaper column introduced the public to many poets and writers

Bryan Sterling

He scripted and co-produced "Will Rogers' USA," a one-man Broadway play about Rogers starring actor James Whitmore, created a daily syndicated newspaper column that featured timely quotations from Rogers' writings, and authored several definitive biographies of Rogers' life including a detailed examination of his death in the Point Barrow, Alaska, crash of an airplane piloted by famed aviator Wiley Post.

Capital Beat

The Concord Monitor newspaper column by Eric Moskowitz and Sarah Liebowitz

Cecilia Chiang

One day, Vic Bergeron (founder of Trader Vic's) came to the restaurant with Herb Caen, who immediately began to popularize the restaurant in his newspaper column.

Chris Tessaro

He also writes the only syndicated poker newspaper column column in Canada, running every Wednesday in the Toronto Sun.

Dody Goodman

Goodman gained a measure of newspaper column space for her dancing solos in such Broadway musicals as High Button Shoes (1947), and Wonderful Town (1953).

Harold Gimblett

Foot's biography records that Fleet Street writers and photographers descended on the Gimblett farm at Bicknoller; the former cricketer Jack Hobbs congratulated Gimblett in his newspaper column, but also warned that such a start would be difficult to sustain.

Joanna Taylor

In 2005, Taylor turned to writing, contributing a weekly column to The Times from the perspective of a "footballer's wife" and in 2007, after taking an extended break from acting, she featured in the British independent film Back in Business, opposite Martin Kemp.

John G. Stackhouse, Jr.

From there, he went to teach Modern Christianity (history, sociology, philosophy, and theology) in the Department of Religion at the University of Manitoba, in Winnipeg, Canada, rising to the rank of Professor in 1997 and receiving the university's top awards for research and for outreach to the community (via his newspaper column and other media appearances).

Lulu Hunt Peters

For a number of years, Dr. Hunt wrote a featured newspaper column entitled Diet and Health for the Central Press Association, which supplied content for about 400 newspapers nationwide.

Paul Coates

He was known for his popular daily newspaper column and as the host of the syndicated tabloid-style television series Confidential File, developed by Coates and Irvin Kershner (1923–2010).

Rockford, Alabama

Fred gained popularity through a regular newspaper column, "A Dog's Life," about his activities and encounters, and then national recognition after he was profiled on cable TV's Animal Planet.