
unusual facts about non-native species

California Department of Boating and Waterways

Among the department's responsibilities include ensuring boat safety along the state's coastline and various rivers, state law enforcement, monitor beach erosion, maintain boater facilities and marinas, and environmental regulation of aquatic motor engines and non-native species from state waters.

Lilium rubescens

This plant is threatened by a number of factors, including development, logging, non-native species, road maintenance, and horticultural collecting of the bulbs and flowers.

see also

East Buttes

There are also many non-native species present, such as Himalayan blackberry and European holly, a large stand of which is found around the middle of Saddle Trail.

Garden pond

In the UK the non-native species Crassula helmsii and Myriophyllum aquaticum, which cause considerable practical problems in protecting freshwaters, are both escaped invasive species from garden ponds.

Geranium kauaiense

Non-native species of plants also have invaded the habitat, including Juncus planifolius and Andropogon virginicus.

Spokane River

Today, the Spokane River supports populations of rainbow trout, northern pikeminnow, and Bridgelip Suckers (Catostomus columbianus), as well as several non-native species.