
unusual facts about nuclear program of Iran

Darioush Rezaeinejad

Iranian semi-official press first related Rezaeinejad's assassination to the nuclear program of Iran but Iran's intelligence minister, Heydar Moslehi, and other officials denied any links between Rezaeinejad and the nuclear program.

Iran–Saudi Arabia relations

In November 2010, the whistle blowing website Wikileaks disclosed various confidential documents pertaining to the US and its allies which revealed that King Abdullah urged the US to attack Iran to destroy its nuclear weapons programme, describing Iran as a snake whose head should be cut off without any procrastination.

Nuclear program of Saudi Arabia

In October 2013, Amos Yadlin, a former head of Israeli military intelligence, told a conference in Sweden that if Iran got the bomb, "the Saudis will not wait one month. They already paid for the bomb, they will go to Pakistan and bring what they need to bring."

Sitalchay Military Airbase

In March 2012, the magazine Foreign Policy reported that the Israeli Air Force might be preparing to use the airbase, located 500 km from the Iranian border, for air strikes against the nuclear program of Iran.

see also