Transport Layer Security | Layer Marney | Makoto Ozone | ozone | Simple Authentication and Security Layer | Ozone layer | Ozone | Ozone Park, Queens | Ozone Layer | MPEG-1 Audio Layer II | Lost in the Ozone | ATM Adaptation Layer 5 | Thin layer chromatography | Spy Fox 3: "Operation Ozone" | Sattler's layer | Quartz (graphics layer) | Physics Abstraction Layer | Ozone, Tennessee | Ozone Park | ozone layer | Ozone House | Ontology Inference Layer | Oil Depletion Analysis Centre | Layer Pyramid | Germ layer | Fighting Layer | abstraction layer |
The cause of this reduction is unknown, but the usual suspects of predation by feral animals, habitat degradation, chytrid fungus and ozone layer depletion may each have contributed.