IPTC Information Interchange Model | Tea Tree Plaza Interchange | Meadowhall Interchange | cloverleaf interchange | Kanfanar interchange | interchange station | Graphics Interchange Format | Electronic Data Interchange | stack interchange | Resource Interchange File Format | Red Cow interchange | Park Lane Interchange | Lučko interchange | Jankomir interchange | Interchange File Format | Hillsborough Interchange | Gravelly Hill Interchange | Gateshead Interchange | Diamond interchange | Cloverleaf interchange | Bradford Interchange |
400-series highway design has set the precedent for a number of innovations used throughout North America, including the parclo interchange and the modified Jersey barrier design known as an Ontario Tall Wall.
It starts at a junction with Route 104 between Farnham and Sainte-Brigide-d'Iberville, next to a training facility of the Canadian Forces and runs north toward a parclo interchange with Autoroute 10 after which it crosses the Rivière du Sud-Ouest which it follows for a few kilometers until its headwaters on Yamaska River.