
unusual facts about peer to peer

Howard Braham

Howard Braham is an Imagineer Imagineer, 'alleged' inventor and 'dunkels' who counts among his creations the peer to peer file swapping system known as Kugel (named after the popular Jewish pasta dish) and the increasingly popular lounge game Couch and Fall, a well-known sport at Colombian universities.

see also


Capable of preventing unauthorized IM connections and stopping peer-to-peer (P2P) filesharing on sites such as KaZaA, Grokster and Morpheus, Real Time Guardian (RTG) identified and controlled access to the growing number of applications that traversed the network without the IT department’s knowledge.

Airline teletype system

Recently there have been initiatives in the industry to tackle the high cost of the existing Type B network by deploying secured peer-to-peer solutions, e.g. EDIfly, developed by Innovative Software SARL in Luxemburg and used by companies like Cargolux, TAP, SATS etc.

Alec Empire vs. Elvis Presley

The album is long out of print, but copies have occasionally been sold on eBay, as well as exchanged in MP3 format on p2p networks.


Ality also developed the first patented Wi-Fi digital photo frame with peer to peer communication protocol.


Bitzi originated several popular standards in the peer-to-peer file sharing sphere, including the Magnet URI scheme and Tiger tree hashes.

Bolshoy Shantar Island

This island is mentioned in Grand Theft Auto IV as the location of the headquarters of a fictional Peer-to-peer Programme called Shitster (a spoof of Napster.)


Flash's peer-to-peer network capabilities (via RTMFP) allow almost all video and audio streams to travel directly between user computers, without using server bandwidth.

Distributed file system for cloud

There are different ways affecting data's integrity either from a malicious event or from administration errors (i.e backup and restore, data migration, changing memberships in P2P systems).

Financial inclusion

AFI uses a "polylateral development" model to contrast and compare successful financial inclusion policies, focusing on a peer-to-peer system rather than a top-down or North-to-South learning model.

Germany Must Be Destroyed

It is extremely hard to find, yet it is passed around on many torrent and P2P sites.

Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing

Participating organizations have included Google Crisis Response, Mozilla, Sahana Software Foundation, The Women’s Peer-to-Peer Network, Open Data Kit, Microsoft Disaster Response, OpenHatch, Wikimedia Foundation, E-Democracy, Systers, Wordpress and OpenStack.

Happiness Is the Road

On 19 September (what year???), Marillion made the album available for free on peer-to-peer file sharing networks as 128 kbit/s WMA files.

Internet vigilantism

In 2002 in the United States, Representative Howard Berman proposed the Peer to Peer Piracy Prevention Act, which would have protected copyright holders from liability for taking measures to prevent the distribution, reproduction or display of their copyrighted works on peer-to-peer computer networks.


During 2007-2008 Joost used peer-to-peer TV (P2PTV) technology to distribute content to their Mozilla-based desktop player; in late 2008 this was migrated to use a Flash-based Web player instead.


LANtastic was a peer-to-peer local area network (LAN) operating system for DOS, Microsoft Windows, Novell NetWare and OS/2.


Internet Relay Chat (IRC), instant messaging (IM) programs, peer-to-peer file sharing clients with chat functions, and multiplayer games (especially MMORPGs) commonly have the ability to automatically log (i.e. save) textual communication, both public (IRC channel/IM conference/MMO public/party chat messages) and private chat messages between users.


bramp developed LUSerNet as a solution to the lack of peer-to-peer systems available to students at Lancaster, England.

LUSerNet (pronounced Loser Net, roughly standing for Lancaster University Student Network) is a free peer-to-peer package for use on local area networks, developed between the end of 2001 and late 2002 by a Lancaster University first year Computer Science student known as 'bramp'.

Mallku Caballero

Mallku Caballero (born 1963) was previously a Director of the Board and CTO at Babel Networks Ltd. where he led the development of Babelgum, a P2P technology web-TV platform.


It is a peer-to-peer platform for information exchange among nodes in an anonymous way based on several communication algorithms called "Order and Chaos" which can be found in massive social organizations such as ant colonies.

Metallica v. Napster, Inc.

Napster was a pioneering peer-to-peer file sharing Internet service, founded by Shawn Fanning, that emphasized sharing digitally encoded music as MP3 audio files.

NeoModus Direct Connect

NeoModus Direct Connect was a file-sharing client for Windows and Mac users that provided file-sharing capabilities for any type of file within a hub-centric, peer-to-peer network and contained adware.

Orange Rhyming Dictionary

The final track from Orange Rhyming Dictionary, "Sweet Avenue" is often mistakenly attributed to the singer Damien Rice due to regular misattribution on peer-to-peer file sharing networks.


Unlike peer-to-peer programs like Kazaa and Napster, ourTunes cannot search for or download music from users who do not share a subnetwork.

Peer-to-peer lending

Lending Works is the first peer-to-peer lender that has insurance to protect its lenders against borrower default.


Peercasting, multicasting a data stream using peer-to-peer technology


Additionally, before the advent of Napster, the album's joke recording "I'm in Jail" made a run to number three on one of the world's first peer-to-peer music sharing websites, MP3.com.

Real Time Media Flow Protocol

The Secure Real-Time Media Flow Protocol (RTMFP) is a proprietary protocol suite developed by Adobe Systems for encrypted, efficient multimedia delivery through both client-server and peer-to-peer models over the Internet.


Multiple elements in a single household will connect to each other on a proprietary peer-to-peer synchronous mesh network using AES encryption.

Taking Back the Night Life

In early April 2008, the pre-production demo tracks of the entire album were released on multiple P2P clients.


TerraNet AB, a Swedish technology company designing peer-to-peer wireless technology


threedegrees or 3° (frequently referred to as Three Degrees) was a communication and P2P application produced by Microsoft.

Traffic classification

Peer-to-peer file sharing applications are often designed to use any and all available bandwidth which impacts QoS-sensitive applications (like online gaming) that use comparatively small amounts of bandwidth.


The company's products have applications based on combining digital TV with broadband and P2P.

Wearable Computing Group

P2P computing and wireless network technologies has made the design of ad hoc networks of mobile devices to support the ad hoc networks of the people who wear them.