
unusual facts about physicists

2010: Odyssey Two

Clarke peppered the novel with names of various Soviet dissidents, including physicists Andrei Sakharov and Yuri Orlov, human-rights activists Mykola Rudenko and Anatoly Marchenko, Russian Orthodox activist Gleb Yakunin, among others.

Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center

Engineers also launched sounding rockets so physicists could study the effects of high-altitude nuclear explosions and the nature of the recently discovered Van Allen radiation belts around the Earth.

Ali Abdullah Al-Daffa

A visiting Professor at King Saud University, Riyadh (1979–1982), and at Harvard University, USA (1983), Prof. Daffa' was twice elected President of the Union of Arab Mathematicians and Physicists (1979–1981 and 1986–1988).


However, in mid-May 1945, with the assistance of Riehl’s colleague Karl Günter Zimmer, the Russian nuclear physicists Georgy Flerov and Lev Artsimovich showed up one day in NKVD colonel’s uniforms.

Chapman Cohen

Cohen criticised what he saw as mystical tendencies in the writings of some physicists, such as Arthur Eddington.

Cluster decay

The first experimental report was published in 1984, when physicists at Oxford University discovered that Conformal cyclic cosmology

The conformal cyclic cosmology (CCC) is a cosmological model in the framework of general relativity, advanced by the theoretical physicists Roger Penrose and Vahe Gurzadyan.

Curie Island

It was charted by the French Antarctic Expedition, 1949–51, and named by them for the noted French family of physicists and chemists: Pierre Curie and Marie Curie.

Debendra Mohan Bose

He was one of the only two Indian physicists (the other being M. N. Saha) who participated at the Como conference (11–20 September 1927) held at Lake Como in Italy.


Digital philosophy, a direction in philosophy and cosmology advocated by certain mathematicians and theoretical physicists

Disciplined Minds

According to the article, 750 physicists and other academics, including Noam Chomsky, signed public letters denouncing the dismissal of Dr. Schmidt.

Edward Manukyan

Manukyan has dedicated many of his compositions to scientists, such as biologists James D. Watson, Francis Crick, physicists Steven Weinberg, Richard Feynman, linguist Noam Chomsky and astronomer Victor Ambartsumian.

Einstein Wrote Back

Einstein Wrote Back is a memoir by Canadian physicist John Moffat which documents his encounters with various other famous physicists, including Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrödinger, Fred Hoyle, Wolfgang Pauli, Paul Dirac, Abdus Salam, and J. Robert Oppenheimer, as well as his work at Imperial College London, Princeton University, CERN, and the University of Toronto.

Energy recovery linac

For this suggestion, originating from a special committee of CERN physicists, M. Klein (Liverpool university), on the suggestion of the UK's Institute of Physics, received the 2013 mutual Max Born Prize of the British and the German Physical Societies.

Equation of everything

Some physicists such as Stephen Hawking think that it would be impossible to construct a real equation of everything due to the incompleteness theorem of mathematics.


The physicists Günter Nimtz and Alfons Stahlhofen, of the University of Cologne, claim to have violated relativity experimentally by transmitting photons faster than the speed of light.

Friedrich Asinger

In October 1946, Asinger was deported together with 34 chemists, physicists and engineers of the Leuna-Werke to the Soviet Union to Dzerzhinsk, near Gorky.

Geometric algebra

Physicists and mathematicians alike readily adopted it as their geometrical toolkit of choice, particularly following the influential 1901 textbook Vector Analysis by Edwin Bidwell Wilson, following lectures of Gibbs.

Gravitational singularity

However, in 1991, physicists Stuart Shapiro and Saul Teukolsky performed computer simulations of a rotating plane of dust that indicated that general relativity might allow for "naked" singularities.


The subject, described as the physics and thermodynamics associated with the up down movement between levels of systems, originated in the late 1970s work of American physicists Harry Soodak and Arthur Iberall.


Various efforts by notable physicists such as Ernst Mach (see Mach's principle), Albert Einstein, Dennis William Sciama, and Bernard Haisch have been put towards the study and theorizing of Inertia.

Isotopes of nobelium

The study of K-isomerism was recently studied by physicists at the University of Jyväskylä physics laboratory (JYFL).

Jaspreet Singh

His play, Speak, Oppenheimer, written for Montreal's Infinite Theatre, involves three physicists, including J. Robert Oppenheimer.

José Leite Lopes

In 1937, while presenting a paper to a scientific conference in Rio de Janeiro, the young student met Brazilian physicist Mário Schenberg and was introduced by him in São Paulo to Italian physicists Luigi Fantappiè and Gleb Wataghin.

Kennedy J. Reed

He has also organized U.S. visits for African physicists including formal meetings and presentations at universities and high-level meetings in Washington, DC with government agencies such as the National Science Foundation, USAID, American Astronomical Society, and United States National Research Council and is on the international advisory panel for the African School on Electronic Structure Methods and Applications.

Kugel–Khomskii coupling

Kugel–Khomskii coupling describes a coupling between the spin and orbital degrees of freedom in a solid; it is named after the Russian physicists Kliment I. Kugel (Климент Ильич Кугель) and Daniel I. Khomskii (Daniil I. Khomskii, Даниил И. Хомский).

LeConte Hall

The physicists and Oppenheimer's students, including Hans Bethe, John Van Vleck, Felix Bloch, and others, worked in the top floor of LeConte Hall and spent a month analyzing data.

Mildred Dresselhaus

Dresselhaus' former students include such notable materials scientists as Deborah Chung and notable physicists as Nai-Chang Yeh, Greg Timp, Mansour Shayegan, James S. Speck, Lourdes Salamanca Riba, and Ahmet Erbil.


About 140 physicists from 14 countries and 28 institutions work in NA61/SHINE, led by Marek Gazdzicki.

Nathan Rosen

It was shown in a 1962 paper by theoretical physicists John A. Wheeler and Robert W. Fuller that these types of wormholes are unstable.

Negative mass

Although no particles are known to have negative mass, physicists (primarily Hermann Bondi and Robert L. Forward) have been able to describe some of the anticipated properties such particles may have.

Nordström's theory of gravitation

Nordström's theories arose at a time when several leading physicists, including Nordström in Helsinki, Max Abraham in Milan, Gustav Mie in Greifswald, Germany, and Albert Einstein in Prague, were all trying to create competing relativistic theories of gravitation.

Paul Maddrell

He is an internationally known specialist on spying in post-war Germany as well as on the participation of German nuclear physicists in the Soviet atomic bomb project.

Physikalische Blätter

Hentschel, Klaus The Mental Aftermath: The Mentality of German Physicists 1945 – 1949 (Oxford, 2007) ISBN 978-0-19-920566-0 (In doing research for this book, Hentschel took extensive material from two sources: (1) Physikalische Blätter and (2) the diary of Ernst Brüche held with Brüche’s papers in the Landesmuseum für Technik und Arbeit in Mannheim, Germany.

Planetary nebula

Physicists showed in the 1920s that in gas at extremely low densities, electrons can populate excited metastable energy levels in atoms and ions which at higher densities are rapidly de-excited by collisions.

Robert S. Shankland

Though Maurice Allais and James DeMeo do not accept Shankland's refutation and hold to the belief that Miller's experiment invalidates the theory of relativity, Einstein's theory is today regarded by most physicists as proven, based largely on the vastly more accurate repetitions of Miller's measurements made using modern optical technology by numerous independent researchers that have shown conclusively that Miller's reported positive signal was spurious.

Ruth Lovegrove Jones

This team of physiotherapists, physicists and engineers evaluated the dynamic function of the Pelvic Floor Muscles in women using 2D ultrasound and novel image processing methods.

S-1 Uranium Committee

:It may interest you that a colleague of mine who arrived from Berlin via Lisbon a few days ago, brought the following message: a reliable colleague who is working at a technical research laboratory asked him to let us know that a large number of German physicists are working intensively on the problem of the uranium bomb under direction of Heisenberg, that Heisenberg himself tries to delay the work as much as possible, fearing catastrophic results of a success.

Sesquilinear form

This is the convention used by essentially all physicists and originates in Dirac's bra-ket notation in quantum mechanics.

Stephen Hawking: Master of the Universe

The series includes interviews with astrophysicist Kim Weaver, Bernard Carr, a student of Hawking's, and three theoretical physicists: Michio Kaku, Edward Witten, known for his work on superstring theory, and Lisa Randall.

Walter Oelert

In 1995 under the leadership of Professor Walter Oelert, the international group of physicists in the CERN laboratory managed to show that they had obtained experimentally nine atoms of antihydrogen in a particle accelerator.

William Duddell

However, Danish physicists Valdemar Poulsen and P. O. Pederson were able to increase the frequency of Duddell's oscillator to the radio range, and in 1902 patented the Poulsen arc radio transmitter, the first transmitter which could generate continuous waves.

William Houlder Zachariasen

Zachariasen, with the support of the physics department faculty, brought Enrico Fermi, Edward Teller, Robert F. Christy, Walter H. Zinn, Maria Goeppert-Mayer, Gregor Wentzel, and other distinguished physicists to the University of Chicago as professors of physics.

Wittaya Subphayuth

The two regular judges are Surachate Limkumnerd and Worawarong Rakreungdet, physicists at Chulalongkorn University and King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, respectively.

Yeong duk Kim

Kim was one of the physicists involved in the RENO experiment in South Korea, which has successfully measured the 3rd mixing angle of the neutrinos.

see also