
unusual facts about polygamous


A. N. Sattampillai

He cited the works of John Parker, William Howitt, Robert Southey, and Abbe Dubois that spoke of the savage nature of Saxons, their extravagant indulgence, drunken behaviour, polygamous marriage practices, and the rampant prostitution in western capitals.

Ata'ollah Mohajerani

In 2004, the conservative Islamist news agency Fars accused him of polygamous marriage and adultery, a charged denied by Mohajerani and his wife.

Banking on Heaven

Banking on Heaven focuses on the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS Church), a schismatic polygamous sect of the Latter Day Saint movement that (at the time of the creation of the film) existed in Colorado City, Arizona.

Isaac S. Struble

The bill was on the verge of passing Congress in 1890, but the legislation was preempted when The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church) formally disavowed polygamous marriages with the 1890 Manifesto.

John W. Candler

Her mother Augusta, however, had converted to Mormonism in 1832 and abandoned the family in 1843 to marry Brigham Young as his second polygamous wife.

Leabua Jonathan

Born in Leribe, Jonathan was a minor chief, like many others a great-grandson of the polygamous King Moshoeshoe I.

Patricia Shanil Muluzi

As Muslims, Muluzi was married to Annie Muluzi at the time they got married and they were in a polygamous marriage arrangement.

Rulon C. Allred

Allred was imprisoned for bigamy following Arizona governor John Howard Pyle's 1953 "Short Creek raid," but he resumed his polygamous lifestyle upon his release.

see also