
unusual facts about private property

Party platform

Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx's 1848 Communist Manifesto, called for the abolition of private property and applied a scientific understanding to the development of society through socialism into a society without money-usage, social classes, or state coercion, which would be called "communism"

Protection of Homes, Small Businesses, and Private Property Act of 2005

The Protection of Homes, Small Businesses, and Private Property Act of 2005 (S. 1313) is a United States bill "to protect homes, small businesses, and other private property rights, by limiting the power of eminent domain." The bill was introduced on June 27, 2005, to the first session of the 109th Congress.

see also

2006 European floods

In Germany, the medieval town of Hitzacker had water levels of 7.63 meters, destroying many buildings and causing considerable damage to other private property.

Beaudesert Shire Tramway

Much of the Tramway reservation is now on private property, although substantial portions are visible from public roads such as the Mount Lindesay Highway.

Biloxi Wade-Ins

Before the beaches were desegregated homeowners claimed the beaches as private property, and despite the fact the beaches were built by the Army Corps of Engineers using taxpayer funds, African Americans were restricted to designated areas of the beachfront.

Boyd v. United States

It is not the breaking of his doors and the rummaging of his drawers that constitutes the essence of the offense; but it is the invasion of his indefeasible right of personal security, personal liberty, and private property, where that right has never been forfeited by his conviction of some public offense, it is the invasion of this sacred right which underlies and constitutes the essence of Lord Camden's judgment.

Champe Rocks

Although Champe Rocks lie within Spruce Knob-Seneca Rocks National Recreation Area and are clearly visible from West Virginia Route 28, there is no direct access to the formation from the public road without trespassing through private property.

Colt State Park

The marble gates of the main entrance, modeled after the approach to the Petit Trianon at Versailles and unveiled in 1913, bear an inscription: "Colt Farm, Private Property, Public Welcome." A pair of life size bull statues, named Conrad and Pomeroy, guard the gate to the park.

Coopey Falls

Coopey Falls is on private property behind a convent owned by the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist.

Devin Gaines

On July 10, 2007, Gaines accidentally drowned in Deep River, Connecticut, in Blakeslee Pond, a gravel pit quarry on private property, while swimming with friends.

Dicksonia Plantation

The empty shell and columns were left as a picturesque ivy-covered ruin, on private property without public access.


Eminent domain, the power of a state to acquire private property without the owner's consent


One species, Fontainea oraria, the coast fontainea, is known only from 10 living plants growing on private property near Lennox Head in northern New South Wales, Australia.

Future of Freedom Foundation

It was founded by libertarian author and former defense attorney Jacob G. Hornberger in 1989 in order to advance the libertarian philosophy by "providing an uncompromising moral and economic case for individual liberty, free markets, private property, and a limited government." Sheldon Richman is vice president and editor.


The records of Gija refer to eight laws (Beomgeum Paljo, 범금팔조, 犯禁八條), that are recorded by Book of Han and evidence a hierarchical society and legal protection of private property.

Gottlieb Priber

Because of his position against private property and his policy to provide refuge for runaway slaves and debtors in Cherokee territory, his surrender was demanded by the British authorities in 1739 and when on his way to New Orleans in 1743, he was caught by British-allied Creeks and handed over to the British colonial authorities, eventually dying under imprisonment in Frederica, Georgia.

Graffiti Blasters

In May 2009, on the instructions of Alderman Jim Balcer, Graffiti Blasters painted over a commissioned mural by artist Gabriel Villa on private property without the permission of the artist or property owner.

History of Havana

After the revolution of 1959, the new regime promised to improve social services, public housing, and official buildings; nevertheless, shortages that affected Cuba after Castro's abrupt expropriation of all private property and industry under a strong communist model backed by the Soviet Union followed by the U.S. embargo, hit Havana especially hard.

Human rights in China

According to the Der Spiegel magazine, despite the National People's Congress enacting a law in 2007 to protect private property with the exception of land, local Chinese authorities have used brutal means to expropriate property, in a bid to profit from the construction boom.

Jiří Paroubek

On 30 July 2005, the CzechTek free techno party was broken up by around 1,000 riot police using tear gas and water cannons, claiming the revellers had damaged private property.


The Laxmangarh Fort is private property - owned by a local businessmen and is closed to the public.

Little Bear Peak

Little Bear is bisected by the boundary between the Rio Grande National Forest to the west and private property to the east, and is on the border between Alamosa County and Costilla County.

Local Government Act 1988

Part III allowed housing authorities to provide financial assistance to people living in private property.

Mimi Walters

Since the US Supreme Court decision Kelo v. New London in June 2005, Walters has been at the forefront of amending California government acquisition and the regulation of private property laws.

Occupy San Diego

The day before, San Diego police arrested former democratic congressional candidate Ray Lutz for setting up a similar voting registration table, Lutz cited a California Supreme Court ruling which in part states that people are allowed to register voters, even on private property.

Pawnee Scouts

A "severe" engagement took place near Plum Creek Station, Nebraska, on August 22, in which Major North and forty-two of the scouts engaged 150 Oglala Sioux and Cheyenne warriors who had destroyed a train on August 6, killing seven settlers and taking a large amount of private property.


It is the private property of W. A. Robinson, owner of the Vladi Private Islands company.

Thomas Ruffin

His writings on the subject of eminent domain--the right of the state to seize private property for the public good—paved the way for the expansion of railroads into North Carolina, enabling the "Rip Van Winkle State" to embrace the industrial revolution.


Unlike a tenement entry to private property, known as a "close", a vennel was a public way leading from a typical high street to the open ground beyond the burgage plots.

Vladimir Dekanozov

For his part, Dekanozov pushed his program carefully, concentrating first of all on denouncing the Smetona regime in Lithuania, then promising to respect private property, assuring Lithuanians that agriculture would not be collectivized, and restraining any discussion of the possibility of joining the Soviet Union until mid-July.


After the archduke's assassination, the Habsburg-Lorraine dynasty sold the castle to the German Krupp industrial magnates, it is today a private property of Frederick R. Koch.

Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge

Minister of Transport and Communication Binali Yıldırım stated that of the total area to be socialized for the bridge project 9.57% is currently private property, 75.24% is forested land, and the remaining 15.19% is already state-owned land.