
unusual facts about psychological


The same words were used by Sigmund Freud as the dedicatory motto for his seminal book The Interpretation of Dreams, figuring Acheron as psychological underworld beneath the conscious mind.


Eugen Kahn, Smith Ely Jelliffe, William Alanson White, and Hugh Northcote were other early psychological researchers into algolagnia.

Association for Psychological Science

Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions: The APS Janet Taylor Spence Award was established to recognize transformative early career contributions to psychological science.

Bernadette Roberts

The ego and self are both self-reflexive and dualistic modes of psychological functioning based on the subtle process of mental discriminating judgment, a process that is inherently built into the structure of the psyche.

Bishops' Selection Conference

Prospective candidates generally must be a member of their diocese's Fellowship of Vocation for at least one year before their Bishop will consider putting them forward for the Selection Conference, who does so on the recommendation of their Diocesan Director of Ordinands (DDO) and after satisfactory performance at psychological and academic testing at a Pre-Selection Conference, usually held in January.

Bismarck: The Man and the Statesman

Fritz Stern reviewed the book for the Political Science Quarterly and said that while there are many other biographies of Bismarck that are more detailed, "as a perceptive psychological sketch of this massively complex being, Mr. Taylor's Bismarck stands unsurpassed".

Del Thiessen

He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a member of the American Psychological Society, the National Association of Scholars, Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Southwestern Comparative Psychological Association, the Society for the Study of Social Policies, International Society for Research on Aggression, the European Sociobiological Society, and the Behavior Genetics Association.


Design Human Engineering, a methodology of psychological influence developed by Richard Bandler.

Ek Ghar

Ek Ghar (The House) is a 1991 Indian Hindi psychological drama film directed by Girish Kasaravalli with Deepti Naval, Naseeruddin Shah and Rohini Hattangadi.

Ex-gay movement

Joseph Nicolosi is an American clinical psychologist, founder and director of the Thomas Aquinas Psychological Clinic in Encino, California, and a founder and former president of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH).

Flight from Death

In addition to interviews with a number of contemporary philosophers, psychiatrists and teachers such as Sam Keen, Robert Jay Lifton, Irvin Yalom, Merlyn Mowrey and Daniel Liechty, the film introduces the viewer to a group of social psychologists, who conduct research in support of what they call Terror management theory (terror in this case not being terrorism, but rather emotional and psychological reaction to mortality awareness).

Freiburger Persönlichkeitsinventar

The FPI-R was developed as a personality test with a mean bandwidth for various tasks of psychological diagnosis, but has an application focus in the areas of psychosomatic, psychotherapy, rehabilitation, chronic diseases and health psychology.

Gaston Frommel

Like Vinet, he derived his philosophy of religion from a peculiarly deep experience of the Gospel of Christ as meeting the demands of the moral consciousness; but he developed even further than Vinet the psychological analysis of conscience and the method of verifying every doctrine by direct reference to spiritual experience.

Getting It: The Psychology of est

Fenwick went on to work as director of the Behavioral Medicine Clinic at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis, before retiring in 1993 to set up Psybar, an online service to provide psychological experts for court cases.

Glenn Helder

Earlier psychological investigation concluded that Helder suffers from "a Narcissistic personality disorder with hints of borderline".

History of emerging infectious diseases

Pre-existing theories of disease: Before a pathogen is well-recognized, scientists may attribute the symptoms of infection to other causes, such as toxicological, psychological, or genetic causes.


Improving Access to Psychological Therapies - a United Kingdom government policy to improve access to psychological therapies

Jon Elhai

Elhai is particularly known for examining the detection of fabricated PTSD using psychological assessment instruments such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2.,.

Julien Magnat

In 2010, Magnat helmed his first North American feature both as a writer / director with Faces in The Crowd, a psychological thriller starring Milla Jovovich, Julian McMahon and Marianne Faithfull.

Konstantin Ramul

Ramul believed that history is dependent upon psychology, though the philosopher of science Ernest Nagel criticized him for "not stating clearly the type of psychological investigation which is relevant to the historian's task" (Nagel 1934, pp. 599-600).

Learning to Live Together: Preventing Hatred and Violence in Child and Adolescent Development

Learning to Live Together: Preventing Hatred and Violence in Child and Adolescent Development is a book written by David A. Hamburg and Beatrix Hamburg that examines the psychological aspects of how that societies teach prejudice to children and adolescents, and suggests educational strategies to prevent hatred and violence.

Mark Stemmler

He was Professor of Psychological Methodology and Quality Assurance at the Faculty of Psychology and Sports Science, Bielefeld University from 2007 till 2011.

Michelle Rosaldo

Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo (1944, New York - 1981, Philippines), known to her friends and colleagues as Shelly, was a social, linguistic, and psychological anthropologist famous for her studies of the Ilongot people in the Philippines and for her pioneering role in women's studies and the anthropology of gender.

Modern portfolio theory

This possibility is studied in the field of behavioral finance, which uses psychological assumptions to provide alternatives to the CAPM such as the overconfidence-based asset pricing model of Kent Daniel, David Hirshleifer, and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam (2001).

My Cat from Hell

Certain cats (whom he calls "tree-dwelling cats") behave better when they have access to above-ground perches, and he often instructs owners of such cats to install an above-the-floor walkway with no dead ends, in order to provide these cats with the psychological comfort of escape routes.


Novelist Norman Mailer used the term to describe boxer George Foreman's physical and psychological presence in his book The Fight, a journalistic treatment of the legendary Ali vs. Foreman "Rumble in the Jungle" bout in Kinshasa, Zaire (now Democratic Republic of the Congo) in October 1974.

Nora Volkow

They are caught, she states, in a vicious circle of physical brain changes and the psychological consequences of those changes, leading to further changes.

Nyo Mya

During his years abroad, he worked as a Burmese language lecturer at Yale University's eastern department, as a Burmese language military news broadcaster, publisher of Burma News (1942–43), adviser of Burma in Washington D.C., chief of Burma department of psychological warfare (1944–45) in Ledo, India.

Operations Coordinating Board

The board's membership was to include the Under Secretary of State, who was to chair the board, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Director of the Foreign Operations Administration, the Director of Central Intelligence, and the President's Special Assistant for Psychological Warfare.

Palo y hueso

The reviewer went on to detect the influence of filmmakers such as Alain Robbe-Grillet or Marguerite Duras, but felt that the tight psychological characterization, disciplined acting and stark sets were more reminiscent of Kenji Mizoguchi or Satyajit Ray.

Path of the Fury

So Alicia is transported to the sector capital Soissons for more advanced psychological testing and evaluation.

Paul Tough

How Children Succeed built upon the work of James Heckman, University of Chicago economist and Nobel lauterate, that stated that education should focus more on promoting the psychological traits of "conscientiousness" among children at young ages rather than more IQ-related studies later in life.

Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

Institute of Social and Economic Education (departments: Social and Psychological Education, Physical Education, Economics);


Profile of mood states, a psychological rating scale used to assess transient, distinct mood states

Psychological contract

"The psychological contract: a critical review", International Journal of Management Reviews, 8(2): 113–129 (2006).

Robert Plomin

Behavioral Genetics in the Postgenomic Era, together with John C. DeFries, Peter McGuffin, Ian W. Craig, American Psychological Association, 2002, ISBN 978-1557989260

Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Alongside the panel of Fox News anchors was a psychiatrist by the name of Carole Lieberman, who remarked: "Video games have increasingly, and more brazenly, connected sex and violence in images, actions and words. This has the psychological impact of doubling the excitement, stimulation and incitement to copycat acts. The increase in rapes can be attributed, in large part, to the playing out of such scenes in video games."

Ruth Perednik

She has developed a treatment method for Selective Mutism based on cognitive behavioral techniques, in the framework of her work in the Jerusalem Psychological Services in the Jerusalem Municipality.

Sexuality and disability

Founded in 1978, it is described by its publisher, Springer Publishing, as "A Journal Devoted to the Psychological and Medical Aspects of Sexuality in Rehabilitation and Community Settings".


Milan Rakić wrote a lyric poem about her named Simonida, and Milutin Bojić wrote a psychological drama called Kraljeva Jesen ("King's autumn") about her.


According to Vanguard of Nazism by Robert G. L. Waite and Male Fantasies of Klaus Theweleit, some of the psychological and social aspects of the Stormtrooper experience found their way into the Weimar republic paramilitary groups such as the Freikorps, which were largely made up of WWI veterans.

Sundown Syndrome

The title "Sundown Syndrome" refers to a psychological phenomenon called Sundowning.

T-12 Cloudmaker

Weapons of comparable size to the T-12, such as the BLU-82 and GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast bombs (MOAB), were developed as latter-day United States superbombs, but their utility is limited outside the realm of psychological weapons and demolition.

Thaddus E. Weckowicz

Weckowicz received his Bachelor of Medicine (MB and ChB) from the Polish School of Medicine at the University of Edinburgh, his Diploma in Psychological Medicine (DPM) from the University of Leeds and his PhD from the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

Laurence Perrine wrote, "the poem presents the apparently random thoughts going through a person's head within a certain time interval, in which the transitional links are psychological rather than logical".

The Weird Villa

With a psychological plotline, the style and theme deemed to inspire from numerous foreign classic thriller concepts such as the South Korea horror film A Tale of Two Sisters, which obviously resemble to the stepmother character appearance.

Tor Levin Hofgaard

Before starting his psychological degree he had an officer’s education, and worked in the Royal Norwegian Navy.

Trauma model of mental disorders

In 1975 Silvano Arieti won the American National Book Award in the field of science for his book, Interpretation of Schizophrenia, which advances a psychological model for understanding all the regressive types of the disorder.

see also